Too late... or nearly so.
My daughter is headed down to Bakersfield Friday to pick up our new English Springer Spaniel.
Another question... now I "believe" what you say but how does that work with you? I mean... you live in town, right? Do you mean a backyard satisfies that need? If so.. no problem. My yard is 2.5 acres... not huge, but enough to roam... "under supervision". Not sure it matters but when I said 'house pet' I meant he'll sleep indoors, and come in often, but he/she won't be confined to the house at all times.
As for the puppy we're getting, actually 11 weeks old.... we have two to pick from... a male and a female. Since it's my daughter driving to Bakersfield to make the choice I won't know until she gets home. Names are picked out, by the way.... I'll reveal them after our puppy arrives.
I'd love to take our new dog to my ranch in Coalinga.... dog heaven with all the smells. BUT... rattlesnakes. Maybe once trained to stay close and not zip off in a frenzy of excitement I'll chance it.
Nice photos, BTW. I don't think there is any breed I consider any more beautiful. Also... I had a cousin that trained hunting dogs and he dealt with only two breeds... Vizsla's and English Spring Spaniels..... this after trying several breeds. He told me the two breeds easiest to train, quick to learn, were the Vizla's and English Springer Spaniel.... even more so than Labs. Not sure I believe that but it's what he told me. I owned a Vizsla, that I got from my cousin, and no question in my mind they train faster than any other breed alive.
So anyway... if were to tell my granddaughter and daughter that I changed my mind because you warned me off.... after I gave them the go ahead.... let's just say you and I would be wise to hire personal body guards.