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Re: Sean McVay

November 26, 2022 04:24PM
Aristotle says that if you want to change a vice to a virtue/manliness/excellence in your profession, it’s like forcing a stick that you want straightened out to be bent in opposite direction towards where it’s already bent.

And so McVay’s football vice is his ignorance of the run game—not just the schematics—but what a power running game does to weaken and decimate the will of your opponent to win.

And so what he ought to be doing is become Ground Chuck 2.0. He should run and coach up his line and backs to get 4 yards on every carry. 3 carries at 4 yards per gets the chains moving. And if a defense cannot stop that then they begin to question their manhood.

Once McVay sees what this essential part of football can do for him and his team, then he won’t be lost for answer when plays teams like Tennessee and Buffalo that have manhandled his team.

Great coaches evolve. McVay’s only direction to evolve towards is the run game. He needs to face the hard truth.

Look, even Ground Chuck evolved. When he was hired by the Rams in the 90s for his second stint, he said his new nickname should be Air Knox.

We Not Me

  Sean McVay

BumRap480November 26, 2022 03:41PM

  Re: Sean McVay

Ramsdude149November 26, 2022 03:55PM

  Re: Sean McVay

Ekern55175November 26, 2022 04:24PM

  McVay needs to learn to win without Porches on the O....

Ramgator251November 26, 2022 04:53PM

  Re: McVay needs to learn to win without Porches on the O....

Ramstien140November 27, 2022 03:37AM

  Re: McVay needs to learn to win without Porches on the O....

Ramsdude212November 27, 2022 03:56AM

  What if all he has are Plymouths (nm)

waterfield88November 27, 2022 10:29AM

  Re: Sean McVay

sfbayram151November 27, 2022 07:51AM

  clearly has his issues...but in the spirit of Thanksgiving

Rampage2K-113November 27, 2022 10:03AM