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Re: Rams near the bottom in pressure--we are not good

September 26, 2022 05:33PM
First, defense was not more effective second half of season


Playoffs were different--but the scheme was same, it was played better

Was I/am I seeing things accurately re: Donald, and if I'm off, where?
You are right, he usually has 2, 3 is rare, but it happens

If Donald is being bottled up, how would you free him up?
They try, but you need more than one rusher. Edge guys have to win sometimes
but Rams do run stunts from the tilted front especially. That is when 3 rushers are on one side and
one on the other with a linebacker who often rushes to make it 5-on-5

Given current personnel, what would you do to improve our pass pressure - or would you leave as-is?
Get Takk some reps. Maybe he can play. On 3rd downs we already rush 5 a lot. Hollins and Floyd and Lewis
and Gaines have to to do better. Sometimes the the Star blitzes that is how that rookie got the sack last week
Ramsey rushes some--that is what they are doing to get a rush

Your insights would help me and others here anticipate what I might see next time I watch the Rams, and enjoy the game more. Thanks in advance.

  Morris is running Staley's Match Zone . . . Attachments

JimYoungblood53803September 26, 2022 12:16PM

  Ejiro Evero also... Attachments

JimYoungblood53252September 26, 2022 12:19PM

  Re: Morris is running Staley's Match Zone . . .

Ramsfan1971161September 26, 2022 12:49PM

  so holding them to 9 points is not good enough?

JimYoungblood53249September 26, 2022 12:55PM

  Re: so holding them to 9 points is not good enough?

george_allen136September 26, 2022 04:04PM

  Re: Morris is running Staley's Match Zone . . .

The_Zone119September 26, 2022 01:51PM

  Call it whatever you want

Ramsdude202September 26, 2022 12:54PM

  9 points

JimYoungblood53178September 26, 2022 12:57PM

  Re: 9 points

Ramsdude135September 26, 2022 01:09PM

  Morris can't win

JimYoungblood53119September 26, 2022 01:13PM

  True to a point but...

Ramsdude124September 26, 2022 01:15PM

  I don't like it, but accept it

JimYoungblood53109September 26, 2022 01:26PM

  Re: I don't like it, but accept it

Ramsdude121September 26, 2022 01:30PM

  My reason for not taking the 9pts to the bank....

JamesJM114September 26, 2022 01:34PM

  So we are attacking Morris for games yet to be played?

JimYoungblood53136September 26, 2022 01:38PM

  You should really not do that...

JamesJM181September 26, 2022 01:42PM

  I didn't say perfect.

JimYoungblood53243September 26, 2022 01:47PM

  Thank you for these.

Ram_Ruler175September 26, 2022 12:56PM

  People want the defenses they grew up watching

JimYoungblood53118September 26, 2022 01:02PM

  I remember seeing a stat

Ram_Ruler143September 26, 2022 01:03PM

  Re: Thank you for these.

Ramstien111September 27, 2022 03:51AM

  Has the league caught up with this scheme?

RamsDynasty159September 26, 2022 01:08PM

  Re: Has the league caught up with this scheme?

Ramsdude119September 26, 2022 01:12PM

  Fair question.

JimYoungblood53271September 26, 2022 01:15PM

  Re: Fair question.

3030193September 26, 2022 01:35PM

  Two different questions in play here…

Rams43164September 26, 2022 03:13PM

  Re: Two different questions in play here…

GlacieRam196September 26, 2022 03:34PM

  No difference

JimYoungblood53118September 26, 2022 03:38PM

  Re: No difference

JimYoungblood53103September 26, 2022 03:44PM

  Re: No difference

Rams43277September 27, 2022 05:25AM

  You admit you don't understand the scheme, you don't talk Xs and Os

JimYoungblood53162September 27, 2022 07:39AM

  Re: You admit you don't understand the scheme, you don't talk Xs and Os

Rams43208September 27, 2022 11:42AM

  For you it is not a choice. You lack understanding

JimYoungblood5396September 27, 2022 12:20PM

  Re: No difference

Rams43109September 27, 2022 05:19AM

  Re: No difference

Ramsdude119September 27, 2022 05:24AM

  Low hanging fruit

JimYoungblood53115September 27, 2022 07:56AM

  Re: Low hanging fruit

Ramsdude112September 27, 2022 08:21AM

  Or Oldbraindead

JimYoungblood53103September 27, 2022 08:29AM

  No, it's not. Attachments

JimYoungblood53154September 27, 2022 07:55AM

  Re: No, it's not.

Rams4395September 27, 2022 11:46AM

  You are never done Attachments

JimYoungblood53153September 27, 2022 12:14PM

  Here is an analogy

JimYoungblood5398September 27, 2022 08:19AM

  Re: Here is an analogy

Rams43102September 27, 2022 11:48AM

  To you

JimYoungblood5392September 27, 2022 12:15PM

  And if you wanted to know

JimYoungblood53126September 27, 2022 12:27PM

  Re: And if you wanted to know

Ramsdude110September 27, 2022 12:30PM

  What was different was Weddle Attachments

JimYoungblood5395September 27, 2022 01:58PM

  playing their responsibility

21Dog94September 27, 2022 03:20PM

  Agree-play better, get better results. Rams did.

JimYoungblood53186September 27, 2022 04:28PM

  Here is Weddle maybe 4 yards shallower Attachments

JimYoungblood5398September 27, 2022 02:08PM

  one more--- Attachments

JimYoungblood53103September 27, 2022 02:14PM

  Thank you 53!

Ramsdude103September 27, 2022 02:56PM

  I had to do a lot of reading

JimYoungblood53205September 27, 2022 03:20PM

  I wish Jourdan...

RamsDynasty135September 28, 2022 03:56AM

  Look where Diggs is playing--always the right corner Attachments

JimYoungblood53153September 26, 2022 03:36PM

  More Attachments

JimYoungblood53113September 26, 2022 03:49PM

  Just watch how often Dallas is "off" Attachments

JimYoungblood53120September 26, 2022 03:54PM

  And therein lies the issue

Ramsdude300September 27, 2022 04:10AM

  Swtiched it up to what?

JimYoungblood5395September 27, 2022 07:33AM

  Maybe move the DB's closer a few times?

Ramsdude122September 27, 2022 08:15AM

  That is an option . .. teams do that

JimYoungblood53123September 27, 2022 08:28AM

  Even Wink Martindale Attachments

JimYoungblood53200September 26, 2022 04:16PM

  Even Wink Martindale--another 3rd and long Attachments

JimYoungblood53114September 26, 2022 04:20PM

  Do you like Morris?

Stafford9109September 26, 2022 03:45PM

  Re: Do you like Morris?

george_allen114September 26, 2022 04:05PM

  I hope you are right

Stafford996September 28, 2022 04:48AM

  Re: Morris is running Staley's Match Zone . . .

Classicalwit121September 26, 2022 03:48PM

  Rams near the bottom in pressure--we are not good Attachments

JimYoungblood53135September 26, 2022 04:00PM

  Re: Rams near the bottom in pressure--we are not good

GlacieRam128September 26, 2022 04:06PM

  Re: Rams near the bottom in pressure--we are not good

mtramfan235September 26, 2022 05:15PM

  Re: Rams near the bottom in pressure--we are not good

JimYoungblood53151September 26, 2022 05:33PM

  Re: Rams near the bottom in pressure--we are not good

SoCalRAMatic148September 27, 2022 03:45AM

  Re: Rams near the bottom in pressure--we are not good

Ramstien109September 27, 2022 04:07AM

  Re: Rams near the bottom in pressure--we are not good

Classicalwit100September 27, 2022 04:12AM

  Re: Rams near the bottom in pressure--we are not good

Ramstien111September 27, 2022 04:03AM

  Re: Rams near the bottom in pressure--we are not good

Classicalwit117September 27, 2022 03:40AM

  Re: Rams near the bottom in pressure--we are not good

Ramstien119September 27, 2022 04:16AM

  I guess there are some positives

Ramsdude108September 27, 2022 04:30AM

  Re: I guess there are some positives

BerendsenRam110September 28, 2022 08:49AM