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Re: Big Mortgage

April 03, 2018 04:20AM
and, perhaps, that's the largest detail

you "amortize" you're roster by using the cheap incoming talent and avoiding enormous paydays, and players with diminishing returns, and free agency.

high risk, high reward
sure, OBJ, has stuff

the club would do well to make sure that language in the contract includes failed tests, and getting arrested
if the kid can't play, he doesn't enjoy a payday.

we've already used a "line of credit" to acquire the CB
now we're talking about using 2019 top pick to acquire the WR

disturbs me that the club will go into the 2019 season without a choice until the 3rd round. Sure they'll have comp picks, but that's a tough field to sow.

Conundrum is awfully close to where the Giants find themselves.

They have an offseason voluntary deal starting Monday.
OBJ there? hmm

Then a voluntary mini camp right before the draft........

Giants sched:
First Day: April 9
Voluntary Mini-camp: April 24-26
OTA Offseason Workouts: May 21-22, May 24, May 29-31, June 4-7
Mandatory Mini-camp: June 12-14

I expect the deal to hit up right there
April 24th

  King: There’s too much smoke around the OBJ-to-the-Rams trade story to dismiss it.

RamBill875April 01, 2018 07:23PM

  Re: King: There’s too much smoke around the OBJ-to-the-Rams trade story to dismiss it.

SoCalRAMatic316April 01, 2018 07:40PM

  King oversimplifies the decision while ignoring possible pitfalls...

Rams43384April 02, 2018 06:54AM

  Giants record when

RAMSINCE ARNETT269April 02, 2018 07:20AM

  Re: Big Mortgage

leafnose365April 03, 2018 04:20AM

  round 1 of the draft is overrated

ferragamo79200April 03, 2018 08:07AM

  Re: round 1 of the draft is overrated

Rams43218April 03, 2018 08:13AM

  Re: Gimme a 1st rd pick everyday of the week and twice on Sunday's...NM

laram262April 03, 2018 08:20AM

  There has been analysis done of success rate...

Ramsfsninmd190April 03, 2018 08:24AM

  Yeah I went back to 1974 1st round

ferragamo79192April 03, 2018 08:33AM

  Re:Of course its important to hit in later rounds..

laram281April 03, 2018 08:37AM

  half of those listed are not 1st rounders

ferragamo79180April 03, 2018 09:15AM

  2 first rounders isn't going to happen

David Deacon234April 03, 2018 08:28AM

  agree that is top tier QB capital

ferragamo79202April 03, 2018 08:34AM