March 15, 2018 09:25PM
I agree, the secret to ongoing offensive success is diversity. I believed 2018 was Sammy's turn, but it could be Tavon's. We had the #1 scoring offense without TA, essentially. He is at his best when opposing defenses don't have time to plan for him, and we now have an offense that can give that kind of cover. Losing Watkins hurts, but we have the pieces to hide him.

I said for years, to my buddy Sven, that Tavon is not a WR3 or HB2. He's OW5, if you force the defense to look the other way he can kill, or if the defense focuses on him it opens up options. He was overpaid and he was under used. Perhaps now we can find a happy medium.

  I'm Back On Board With Tavon

Classicalwit1054March 15, 2018 04:37PM

  1 year $5 mil

RFIP442March 15, 2018 04:42PM

  either way we win

Los Angeles Lenny366March 15, 2018 04:54PM

  say it with us, "Oh thank heaven for number eleven" another year with McVay willl do him good

Los Angeles Lenny344March 15, 2018 04:44PM

  Huh Tavon turned 28 today

RFIP538March 15, 2018 04:57PM

  if he lights it up you are getting some laundry nm

Los Angeles Lenny293March 15, 2018 04:58PM

  Re: Huh Tavon turned 28 today

Anonymous User331March 15, 2018 05:00PM

  Re: Not on board, but okay I guess

XXXIVwin292March 15, 2018 05:19PM

  With new contract no harm, no foul

Blue and Gold326March 15, 2018 05:22PM

  Re: With new contract no harm, no foul

XXXIVwin278March 15, 2018 05:30PM

  I am with you, he will never catch or attempt to catch punts again in horns

Los Angeles Lenny456March 15, 2018 05:52PM

  Re: I think he gets traded this season........

oldschoolramfan264March 15, 2018 06:34PM

  old school I do not think you are following me

Los Angeles Lenny260March 15, 2018 06:56PM

  Re: old school I do not think you are following me

oldschoolramfan253March 15, 2018 07:11PM

  speed does not scare defenses (Kevin Curtis or Donnie Avery)

Los Angeles Lenny284March 15, 2018 07:22PM

  Re: speed does not scare defenses (Kevin Curtis or Donnie Avery)

oldschoolramfan401March 16, 2018 05:52AM

  Re: old school I do not think you are following me

Ramsdude425March 16, 2018 07:07AM

  Get a 3rd rounder for Austin?

jemach262March 16, 2018 03:57AM

  Seen enough

Speedball89367March 15, 2018 05:51PM

  Re: I'm Back On Board With Tavon

3030363March 15, 2018 06:06PM

  Re: I'm Back On Board With Tavon

9-99270March 15, 2018 06:51PM

  Re: I'm Back On Board With Tavon

3030260March 15, 2018 07:05PM

  Gonna get traded

ferragamo79286March 15, 2018 06:29PM

  Re: Gonna get traded....That makes 2 of us.

oldschoolramfan290March 15, 2018 06:38PM

  Honestly, I’m still not clear on the details...

Rams43426March 15, 2018 06:31PM

  Tavon 2018

zn386March 15, 2018 06:59PM

  you totally get it either way we win

Los Angeles Lenny408March 15, 2018 07:12PM

  Re: Tavon 2018 I sense good things

BumRap278March 15, 2018 08:41PM

  Re: Tavon 2018 I sense good things

9-99274March 15, 2018 09:25PM

  Re: Great line..."TA was overpaid and underused."

oldschoolramfan225March 16, 2018 06:32AM

  Re: I'm Back On Board With Tavon

reggae376March 15, 2018 07:46PM

  I'm underwhelmed...

LMU93310March 16, 2018 03:31AM

  Re: I'm underwhelmed...

zn266March 16, 2018 03:50AM

  Re: I'm underwhelmed...

LMU93289March 16, 2018 03:55AM

  Re: I'm underwhelmed...

zn261March 16, 2018 04:06AM

  Re: I'm underwhelmed...

LMU93255March 16, 2018 04:16AM

  Re: I'm underwhelmed...

Rams43351March 16, 2018 08:13AM

  I for sure didn't see it happening..but

DaJudge285March 16, 2018 06:37AM