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Re: Man, this stuff is so good

May 15, 2024 12:28PM
My misconceptions - I thought the strong side was where the TE lines up! But I see from your pics where you are coming from now.
The CB who plays the short side (boundary) and one who plays the wide side (field cornerback) are new terms for me as well. But I totally agree on the following as keys to the way the Rams play D:

1. where is the passing strength?
2, where is the TE?
3. which is the wide side of the field?
4. where do offenses pass to -- we want the better cover LBer on side they throw to, in case he has to cover some. If he rushes, does not matter
5. Who is more comfortable where. Is Young better on right? What do the numbers say.

Thank you Professor JY53 - greatly appreciate the lessons and the supporting pics


  Will Jared Verse play Right Edge or left?

RamsFanSince69270May 14, 2024 03:33PM

  Might not be left- or right

JimYoungblood53131May 14, 2024 04:04PM

  Re:Got it - thanks

RamsFanSince6954May 15, 2024 10:00AM

  The OLBers are hard because it varies

JimYoungblood5352May 15, 2024 10:19AM

  Re: The OLBers are hard because it varies

kw1341May 15, 2024 10:46AM

  I use it from defensive side ...

JimYoungblood5339May 15, 2024 11:05AM

  2017 example Attachments

JimYoungblood5332May 15, 2024 10:32AM

  2019 examples Attachments

JimYoungblood5333May 15, 2024 11:17AM

  Then you have the nickel issues Attachments

JimYoungblood5334May 15, 2024 11:18AM

  2023 examples Attachments

JimYoungblood5339May 15, 2024 12:03PM

  Re: Man, this stuff is so good

RamsFanSince6978May 15, 2024 12:28PM

  Re: Man, this stuff is so good

JimYoungblood5341May 15, 2024 12:43PM

  Re: Man, this stuff is so good

Leoram31May 15, 2024 01:31PM

  Think point is you could be right

JimYoungblood5330May 15, 2024 02:29PM