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Re: Back from Sofi….

September 18, 2023 07:29PM
Season ticket holder who was also at the game yesterday. Biggest niner crowd ever at a game in Los Angeles. Disgusting! Shame on all the LA Rams fans who could of showed up but didn't. I felt like I was at a niner home game. And shame on the NFL for scheduling this game as the Rams home opener. They knew it would be a niner fan takeover. Might as well call it what it was. A road game at SoFi for the Rams and a home opener in LA for the niners. Is this why all of the penalties favored the visiting home team? Drunk niner fans in our section were also obnoxious! And I sit in section 239 which normally has a majority of Rams fans. Just tired of losing to these guys! 9 regular season game losses in a row now! Walk out of that stadium was tough yesterday! Rams have to fix this! Yes I was there when we won the one that mattered. Greatest win over the niners ever! But can

You're a better man than I am. I couldn't take being around that many 49er fans, especially drunken, gloating ones.


  Back from Sofi….

Rampage2K-515September 18, 2023 07:49AM

  Re: Back from Sofi….

AlbaNY_Ram210September 18, 2023 01:55PM

  Re: Back from Sofi….

SoCalRamFan161September 18, 2023 06:14PM

  Re: Back from Sofi….

21Dog141September 18, 2023 07:29PM

  Re: Back from Sofi….

oldschoolramfan92September 19, 2023 06:16AM