IMO the RAMS not falling on THEIR fumbles could have been the game changer. The main missed chance was on the eagles fumbled punt, the damn ball went right back to him ,that was deep in their territory. The other fumble did the same thing....bounced right back up to them. As far as KW's fumble, it was bad, but without KW in that game we would have had a very low chance of winning. The guy balby roman18 -
started back in the late 90's, over 20 years. Enjoyed most if not all of it......but today I must say I feel my posts fall on deaf ears. IMO my posts have always been well thought out, at times emotionally charged and at times just posts about ideas that I have come up with, or discussing others ideas. I write a post that attempts to be uplifting and get zero response, I am not asking to be bby roman18 -
....."I'll stay out of caring, until they are doing something to care about" that is a fair weather fan. I will do me, I'll be invested in the good games and bad games, the good seasons and the bad.....just as you do you..invest, increase interest when there is something you can crow about.....and the time you've "been a fan" is not anything really, I've been 1 since to 60' roman18 -
How they play needs to be considered in actual players and their roles. This team isn't vet loaded, so that determines how they play. Do you consider how they play by how hard they play or by the end results in how they play. For instance for a long time everyone was saying that Verse wasn't getting sacks....he was getting pressures, but they weren't transferring to was his play poby roman18 -
seasons are lost when game 3 puts into very possible 1st pick status, seasons are lost when you have games during a season that are 30-0 or worse at half time. Seasons are lost when your top RB has 300 yards 3/4 through the season...when you are talking big about a WR because he caught a TD pass this week....Seasons are lost when you are on your 3rd coach in 5 years and your 3rd coach is being rby roman18 -
that's exactly what the panther fans say around here.....a fan that has no interest in a team unless it's winning...LOL...I really mean this when I say there are some fans who deserve to always have a losing team....Put your gear in the closet until they win, then when they win start talking big time on roman18 -
IMO this is a major problem on this many people take an idea they may have and rise it up to a known fact. The guy is our 3rd string QB because they see things in him, that doesn't in any way coronate him into a future starting QB....Stetson is a 3rd string QB...that is what he is, being kept on a team as a 3rd stringer doesn't have squat to do with his future on the team nor that fuby roman18 -
just a few years back they were battling for 1st pick in the draft....everything was lost before it even'd think that after all those many years chances at winning records and division titles would be greatly appreciated....I am not saying to put your head in the sand....facts are facts....after a surprise appearance in the playoffs last year aspiring higher this year was a roman18 -
then pretty much all seasons are done for. They are 1 game back in the division and play all 3 teams...They are 5-6.....go 4 and 2 and you have a winning all 3 division games add jets and saints very well may have a division crown. You have Fiske, Verse, McCollough, Kam Kichens, Limmer, Dedich,all found in this draft...those are big wins. You have Turner, Puka, Young, Avila all gby roman18 -
They are mediocre, they are weak, they have no talent, they are poorly coached.....etc...etc... They just played one of the top 4 teams in the league....were down only 13-7 at half.....The issue in this game was always going to be about Barkley I said, some others as well....They guy had a huge game, and has had some against other teams as well...he didn't get all his yearly yards just last niby roman18 -
Never seen that before....that to me was a blatant illegal action.....You make a decision like that and it needs to stay as that...'We will do this, oh wait a minute.....they aren't going to do what we thought, I want a do over on that....OK sounds good to me"....BS....What would happen to football games if this happened after every penalty on a 3rd/4th down.....You decline or accept a penalby roman18 -
they have an inconsistent O-Line, there's a difference. They played a SB team last night with some really big players to boot....But McClendon isn't Havs, Avila is still getting into shape, you have a rookie center with what, 5,6 games under his belt, and an undrafted LT who again can play well, and bad in different games. This doesn't point to weakness IMO.....If you grade the RAMS against thby roman18 -
The overall fact is the eagles are a top echelon team, there are 4 maybe 5 of them within the 32 total teams. The RAMS are not in total disarray, they have a solid core of players to build on, there are several teams that are not in that spot. They are in a division that has 4 teams pretty much in the same boat, they all have valuable players, but in the near future cap space may become probby roman18 -
said it 2 or 3 times, but my posts seem to go ghost...LOL......The way to beat the eagles is to hold down Barkley, .....done 1 of 2 ways by run D or our O controlling the clock/keeping them off the field...the latter unfortunately is near impossible. Can't give them 3rd and shorts...they'll kill the roman18 -
IMO we didn't get smoked by the dolphins and secondly the dolphins were/are a good team, but Tua needs to be playing. We had legit chances against the dolphins WITH Tua and we blew them......The pats, well IMO...that was a weird game....TOP was very lopsided, but we actually controlled the roman18 -
from low round pick to thrust into a position to actually controlling the position all done within weeks. He wasn't penciled in to do anything this season and he has earned a starting spot.....IMO he is above anyone else if simply because he wasn't close to be expected to do anything in year 1 much less maybe even years to roman18 -
I would want to resign him....he'll have 4 years of NFL experience built in to his 25 years of age.....He's gotta a lot of tread left and he's starting to grow up (fingers crossed).by roman18 -
that means Brown started his NFL career at age 21.....that is exactly why although IMO he has always had the ability, his age was his kryptonite.....he wasn't fully invested in his job at 21.....many have thought he was a total slacker and a jag, and really wanted him gone.....I never thought in that direction. Sometimes a guy needs to look deeper, or in other areas instead of just a stat book, eby roman18 -
He always had the talent and ability, but he's still very young and along with that come hiccups. Glad he's finally doing what I always new he could I wrote in another earlier post He, Omar and Tyler Davis are really needed in this game to help at least slow down Barkley....keep him under that 100 yard roman18 -
The man should have made it the past 2 x's at least....His numbers are still high on the list an he did these things when the team had multiple high end offensive options....It really sucks when many of these guys never are around to see them be inducted....He deserves to be in, but yet again someone will take his place....(hope is eternal, but reality keeps slapping it down) roman18 -
I for 1 would like to see a permanent marker on the header with some type of design for Phil, AKA Ram 23.....maybe something like a RAMS Horn with 23 inserted into the HORN.....IMO he was a major developer to the board as well as the man who designated the name of the board. As we always change the Header with new arrivals to the team I think that he should be a mainstay of the Header as roman18 -
for well over a year. Not talking about these practices he's been apart of, but actual game football. I would assume a shoulder blade fracture to a lineman would be a bi^&H to overcome. Your shoulders/upper body is what you use to man up with the defender. He was a noted lineman when he was healthy, but that water under the bridge now. My instinct would be to think of him as your interiorby roman18 -
He is a king pin to this game as is Omar and Tyler Davis. I point them out because Barkley is a huge piece for them.....Stopping this run game is key......Tackle, and I mean wrap up, no ankle lunges or shoulder hits....We have a team that can hang with them IF they don't let them get a lead.....Not looking for much from the O, just enough to keep it within distance...maybe looking at Karty makingby roman18 -
cause of not having a blowout.....his 3 point miss would not have made it a blow out... 2 score drives needed yes, but that doesn't make a blow out. On top of that I look more at the 1 play score by the RAMS to start the 2nd half as a pivotal point where a blow out could have started....but it didn't they stayed in the game, we did not put them away....his missed FG was not a reason for roman18 -
but as time has passed I must admit I never realized not seeing him on the board. It is a sad day indeed, but a day that comes to all of us. I just hope his final years were full and generous for him and his family. He has passed but his board lives on, so in essence he is and always will be roman18 -
he came in as a LT, but that doesn't mean he can't be a swing or RT. He's a big boy too at 325lbs. Seem to remember he was a good pick up at his draft position (rd 7?) as well, so he's an unknown in the mix roman18 -
Unless you got real stalwarts at spots a team would be foolish not to bring in competition. But at the same time a player I'd want on my team would be one who relishes competition. I am not concerned so much about Josh.....the team as a whole seems to let down just at times they can just as easily take it over......They'll score a TD and let a team have a good return, or the D will seem to disby roman18 -
That miss was bad, very bad, but for some reason this team can't handle a lead very well much less extend those leads....The pats O isn't something to be scared of but at times they diced the D up.....The O continues to start off slow.....going up by 3 more points on his missed field goal wasn't going to make it a blow out IMO......That 69 yarder should have started the nail in the dby roman18 -
The guy is a quiet consummate player. Doesn't draw attention for awesome blocks, but the covers that edge very well. After Havs retires RT is in good hands. Next season he should IMO replace Boom for sure on the roster, and maybe push Jonah out as well as the swing T.....NE has a good front seven.....he well have been the needed piece last week to have brought a win against the dolphins. Boomby roman18 -
I have never seen any poster here say that. I have heard people say he is under used, have heard people say he has talent, have seen him in games make big time explosive plays, I have seen him have 100 yard games when main guys were out where the team needed someone to step up in that area. Now the 4 items I addressed above, does that = he is a top player in the league?.....A guy can't help hiby roman18 -