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Re: Thanks To The Herd Crew!!!!

October 20, 2021 04:28AM
I appreciate the feedback, Terry. My brother Ron and my sons Geoff & Matt are masters of the grills and smokers and I think the food helps distinguish our tailgate from the average game-day experience. But as you alluded to, it's really the people that make the day.

Everyone on the bus was personally invited: I don't advertise to draw a crowd so I have some control over who attends and I don't invite jerks! Then, of course, you, Marcus, and the folks you guys brought all fit right in.

When I stepped back from the tailgate and took in the whole crowd you couldn't even tell the 'bus people' from the 'Herd people'. Just like you said, everyone mingled with everyone else and that's really what made it a great event..

We left Albany at 6:30am and got back at 8:30pm. We had a ball on the bus both ways, at the tailgate, and at the game. I'm glad you got to join in the fun at the tailgate: you have a window into what my entire day was like!!

Food for thought: the Rams will be back in 2023 and one of my guys runs a ton of bus trips to Metlife Stadium and has an 'in' with the Group Sales team. We will get a block of tickets, probably in the end zone on the 200 level. When the time comes I'll check with you and the rest of the board to see if anyone wants to get tickets thru me (at my cost). That way you get another 3+ hours of good times with the gang!!


  Herdfest East 2021 Attachments

AlbaNY_Ram1371May 29, 2021 11:53AM

  Re: Herdfest East 2021

Stafford9759May 29, 2021 05:04PM

  Re: Herdfest East 2021

AlbaNY_Ram777May 30, 2021 08:12AM

  Not sure if I can make it this year..... which usually translates to....

Ramsrule861June 03, 2021 05:22AM

  Re: Herdfest East 2021

max722August 15, 2021 02:50AM

  Re: Herdfest East 2021

AlbaNY_Ram794August 20, 2021 08:40AM


AlbaNY_Ram778October 10, 2021 07:04AM

  Re: Tailgate location

AlbaNY_Ram680October 17, 2021 04:28AM

  Thanks To The Herd Crew!!!!

RamFanInPA718October 18, 2021 07:42PM

  Re: Thanks To The Herd Crew!!!!

AlbaNY_Ram1237October 20, 2021 04:28AM