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Re: Aren't we all challenged?

August 17, 2021 11:44AM
The thread, How was the weather at SOFI..RAMbler attached a few pics from the game. I just get the error message on I Pad, It's fine on I MAC. Also tried to open the pic from thread Rams cut 5 on 8/16/21, same issue.

  Pics not displaying

CarolinaRam1083August 17, 2021 10:19AM

  Help me out here...

JamesJM664August 17, 2021 10:37AM

  Re: Help me out here...

CarolinaRam645August 17, 2021 11:11AM

  Aren't we all challenged?

JamesJM639August 17, 2021 11:34AM

  Re: Aren't we all challenged?

CarolinaRam636August 17, 2021 11:44AM

  I checked my iPad....

JamesJM631August 17, 2021 12:00PM

  Re: I checked my iPad....

CarolinaRam618August 17, 2021 12:06PM

  You're a tech genius... :) (nm)

JamesJM736August 17, 2021 12:12PM

  So far nothing... but try this...

JamesJM643August 17, 2021 12:11PM