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They actually average 24 points a game..

November 20, 2022 10:26AM
I looked it up earlier..

Friendship is like peeing your pants.. Everybody can see it, but only you can feel the warmth..


  Dalton only 3 incompletions ALL DAY!...awesome...nm

ramsfanatic257November 20, 2022 10:24AM

  The league is catching on to the off coverge

Hazlet Hacksaw162November 20, 2022 10:25AM

  They actually average 24 points a game..

sstrams71November 20, 2022 10:26AM

  The silver lining... I THINK...

JamesJM66November 20, 2022 10:28AM

  Its gonna be hard to watch the last 7 games

Hazlet Hacksaw145November 20, 2022 10:29AM

  I really don't wanna prolong this lol..

sstrams68November 20, 2022 10:30AM

  But does he have a COOL ski mask like Ramsey???? nm

Ramgator63November 20, 2022 10:31AM

  No, he does not.. but..

sstrams80November 20, 2022 10:33AM