June 05, 2022 01:03PM
I actually own the second one , just have never watched it for some reason , no real reason why , I liked the first one , ok , the newest one will be out on streaming in a week or two , I'll just wait and watch the last two together , when it does ....................maybe ,

Obi Wan has been OK so far , but I've been having issues with it so far , don't want to ruin anything , so I'll leave it at that

The show I have been liking is the new Star Trek , Strange New Wolds , a Star Trek thats gone back to it's roots , single stand alone episodes where each episode store is a stand alone story all tied up with nice litle bow in 56 minutes , the stories have been simple , familuar , and fun so far , everyone in the cast is likable , which is probably the biggest selling point for any shoLast weeks episode , was a tense , submarine battle with the Gorn , this weeks episode was on the lite side , as some of those classic episodes , and some of my favorite , A Piece Of The Action , I, Mudd , and The Troble with Tribbles

that was always the best thong about Star Trek ,e , not every episode has to be huge space battle


  The Fantastic Beasts movies...

JamesJM108June 05, 2022 08:43AM

  Have only seen the first one

IowaRam70June 05, 2022 01:03PM