November 28, 2021 06:30AM

again , nothing confirmed , justs rumors and fan theories

In the show Eleanor Bishop owns her own security business , which , would , give her access to alot of stuff , but one of the bigger rumors , fan theories , is that Eleanor Bishop is actually Madame Masque , a character that also has connections with Tony Stark , / Iron Man . which might be why Echo was looking for that watch at that auction , it's believed that watch belonged to Tony Stark

just as much as Echo is probably ( I'm saying probably , because it's still not confirmed ) but Echo is probably working for Kingpin


could Echo actually be working for Eleanor Bishop

I still think Echo is working for Kingpin , but Marvel does like to changing things up

ohhhhhhhh , the mystery builds

I think Jack Duquesne , even though he's Eleanor Bishop fiancé , I believe he's more her body guard

so the story behind the story , is that the Hawkeye show , could in fact , really be about Madame Masque vs Kingpin

and Clint and Kate , are just caught in the middle

again , this isn't really a spoiler , as nothing here is confirmed , just rumors and fan theories , and there are other rumors as well

another rumor , or couple rumors , is that Kingpin could show up as early as the end credit scene in episode 4 , again nothing but a rumor , but something to keep an eye out for

another rumor containing Kingpin , and also Daredevil , is that they will look different then they did on Netflix , one rumor with Kingpin , is that Vincent D'Onofrio will actually wear a fat suit , and also enhanced with some CGI , , he's suppose to look much more like he does in the comics , quite large

is Eleanor Bishop really Madame Masque , we'll just have to keep watching to find out I

and yet another character who is rumored to make his first MCU appearance , and we may have already seen him , just don't know it yet , is Clown

although , I'm not all that familiar with the character , as he's somewhat new , another character , at least in the comics has a back ground with the circus ,

so with only 4 episodes left , alot is probably going to happen , as Hawkeye will most likely spinoff into the new Echo series , which will then most likely spin off into the new Daredevil series

Hawkeye may only be 6 episodes , but I believe it will be far from over


  Hawkeye starts Wednesday

IowaRam291November 21, 2021 07:44AM

  Watched the first two episodes

IowaRam151November 25, 2021 06:30AM

  I thought it was solid

Atlantic Ram163November 27, 2021 10:03AM

  Re: I thought it was solid

IowaRam168November 27, 2021 11:16AM

  So that is really interesting

Atlantic Ram193November 27, 2021 08:56PM

  Differences from the comics

IowaRam325November 28, 2021 05:23AM

  Re: Differences from the comics

IowaRam189November 28, 2021 06:30AM

  All sounds good! Thanks! NM

Atlantic Ram231November 28, 2021 06:19PM

  Best Show Ever !!!!

IowaRam242December 01, 2021 01:39PM

  You say that a lot....

JamesJM125December 01, 2021 03:08PM

  I'm just thinking how soon Iowa has forgotten about Honey Boo Boo. nm

Ramgator103December 01, 2021 03:43PM

  I never did figure out who that was...

JamesJM130December 01, 2021 03:46PM

  same here

IowaRam107December 01, 2021 03:50PM

  "Honey Boo Boo" was another BRILLIANT "REALITY" show.

Ramgator187December 02, 2021 04:20AM

  I'm just glad that I am NEEEEEEEEEEVER cynical!! BAAAAAM!!!!

Ramgator131December 02, 2021 04:16AM

  Re: You say that a lot....

IowaRam109December 01, 2021 03:49PM

  Dont sell youself short, Iowa...

JamesJM152December 01, 2021 03:51PM

  The next Best Show Ever !!!!

IowaRam182December 01, 2021 03:59PM

  I have a very good friend who is VERY excited about this show...

JamesJM112December 01, 2021 04:02PM

  I'm looking forward to it to

IowaRam107December 01, 2021 04:14PM

  I liked McGregor's as Kenobi....

RAMbler110December 02, 2021 10:41AM

  Tom Holland Confirms Role as Fred Astaire in Upcoming Sony Biopic

IowaRam112December 06, 2021 05:30PM

  Just wanted to reconfirm

IowaRam104December 15, 2021 03:29PM

  Best Movie Ever !!!!.................spoilers

IowaRam106December 18, 2021 04:52PM

  looks like Spider-man is a hit

IowaRam231December 19, 2021 09:08AM