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Some upcoming Marvel stuff

July 24, 2020 03:54PM
New Mutants

is a film that was actually filmed by FOX and part of their X-Men franchise , was supposed to have been released like 2 years ago , but then Fox went through that whole Disney buy out , then the covid-19 , and then about a dozen re shoots

suppose to come out in theaters in Aug , but who knows , it's kind of a dark film so even though it's owned by Disney , probably will never show up on Disney Plus

maybe HULU , which is also owned by Disney , but no final word

the blonde chick with the metal arm and sword is Magik , she is the sister of Colossus from the Deadpool movies , she's a badass


which is a HULU original TV show , curious thing here is , this is produced by Marvel Television and not Marvel Studios , two separate divisions

notice the trailer , never shows the Marvel logo .............curious

New Mutants are part of the X-Men , / Deadpool corner of Marvel , while Helstorm , kinda belongs in the Dr Strange corner of Marvel

Daimon Hellstrom


  Some upcoming Marvel stuff

IowaRam243July 24, 2020 03:54PM