April 19, 2019 03:24PM
At the time , when I first saw those pictures, right after dark , I thought the entire cathedral was coming down , even if it didn't burn all the way to the ground , I thought the fire would still make the structure unsafe and have to be torn down

glad I was wrong

but anyways ...........

I was thinking that Notre Dame had stood for 750 years

you figure , there is a new generation every 30 years

that would mean 25 generations have live during that time

and lets say at any given time , there are two generations going

( rough math )

so basically , 11 lifetimes have come and gone , and I thought , what are the odds that it was in our lifetime that we saw the fall of Notre Dame

must be 1 in a 1,000 right

and now , you know why the wife is the one that does our taxes


  Here is why I can't sleep at night...

JamesJM120April 19, 2019 11:54AM

  Re: Here is why I can't sleep at night...

roman1871April 19, 2019 12:43PM

  Re: Here is why I can't sleep at night...

zn96April 19, 2019 02:29PM

  I tried to do the Math while watching Notre Dame burn

IowaRam134April 19, 2019 03:24PM

  And imagine this...

JamesJM84April 20, 2019 03:17PM