November 03, 2018 06:10AM
My in-laws just yesterday lost Brewski, their 12 yr old Australian Shepard. Natural causes.

I am currently without a dog... two years now...and it's the first time I've been without a dog in my life. After losing the last one I grew quite depressed... decided I just didn't want to go thru that loss again.... at my age I had been thru that many, many times. Without would be better, I told myself.

I was wrong... and I'm currently very much ready to get another.

  Bondi update, not good

zn351November 03, 2018 04:56AM

  Re: Bondi update, not good

RamsFootballFans.com242November 03, 2018 05:25AM

  Sorry to hear that....

JamesJM146November 03, 2018 06:10AM

  Man, I'm so sorry to hear that..

sstrams218November 03, 2018 07:13AM

  Re: Bondi update, not good

fearsomefoursome182November 04, 2018 07:53AM

  Sorry to hear that, man..

sstrams116November 04, 2018 10:10AM

  that stinks

21Dog136November 04, 2018 09:37AM

  I appreciate all the comments and support

zn179November 04, 2018 10:59AM

  Well, just hate that you're going through it..

sstrams137November 05, 2018 09:01AM

  Re: Bondi update, not good

waterfield121November 04, 2018 03:04PM

  Hoping for the best for Bondi

Atlantic Ram128November 06, 2018 02:20PM

  Hey, don't be so hard on yourself, Atlantic..

sstrams122November 06, 2018 02:30PM

  Re: Hoping for the best for Bondi

zn137November 06, 2018 09:35PM

  Re: Bondi update, not good

sacram203November 07, 2018 12:15PM

  Re: awww man sorry to hear that. Hang in there zn nm

Speed_Kills149November 08, 2018 08:58AM

  saw vet: it's mildly better than we thought, so there's still a little time

zn124November 09, 2018 09:22AM

  Re: saw vet: it's mildly better than we thought, so there's still a little time

RamsFootballFans.com132November 09, 2018 09:40AM

  Yeah, I know that roller coaster..

sstrams104November 09, 2018 10:47AM