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RamUK... how ironic is this?

September 11, 2017 08:47PM
I replied to your storm thread.... then earlier this evening I was in my living room when something just didn't feel right... went outside to check it out...

We're not sure yet but I think I just rode out my first ever tornado. Lot of people reported on the storm that came thru but it was different for us right here near my home. I saw full grown trees bent parallel to the ground. Had to be 100mph winds.

First reports of damage are coming in. My home ain't bad.... some big limbs came down but I don't think any trees fell... I'll check in the early am. House looks ok. outside everything is upended and strewn all over the yard but I don't see much real damage. Near hear the cotton gin lost it's seed shed - it's huge, and now in a heap. Neighbors - - Dog pens, sheds, carports, many down and destroyed. (my daughter's dogs are fine).

Never seen anything like it in my life. - JamesJM

  RamUK... how ironic is this?

JamesJM350September 11, 2017 08:47PM

  The gin sheds that blew down...

JamesJM148September 12, 2017 02:44PM

  just spoke with a neighbor

21Dog166September 12, 2017 03:21PM

  Caruthers was hit hard as well....

JamesJM149September 12, 2017 03:32PM

  Now those things scare me!

RamUK178September 16, 2017 08:22AM