July 10, 2017 03:52PM
As when talking to ZN there is an attempt to define the center. We all agree that we don't know how to do that so we can, if we choose, simply define criteria of our own liking and make a center. But that's not really what I'm getting at.

We do not know if there is a hard edge... we do not know if space is warped and one will return to the starting point if you travel far enough in any one direction. Currently most of what I read leans toward the latter... warped space.

My original point stands... in warped space and even with a 'hard edge' one can make a case for every point in the universe being the 'center'... and all those points would be right.. according to the law of physics and the theory of relativity as I understand it, (And I understand it as well as I understand women.. meaning not one iota).

Ok, so trying to differentiate, or force, contemplating this beyond defining a center based on mass, spatial distance, etc... Those criteria are arbitrary. Actually, to really answer my question, (which could, and most likely is, very wrong), you have to think beyond 3 dimensions. (Which - by arbitrarily setting mass or spatial distance as the sole criteria neglects.. that's a 3D concept).

Where was I going with this? laughing smiley Did I introduce the value of pecan pie in relation to quantum mechanics? I'm losing my train of thought. - JamesJM

  We are not the center of the universe...

JamesJM573June 28, 2017 11:02AM

  I am...

sstrams322June 28, 2017 11:12AM

  When numbers lose all meaning to me...

JamesJM288June 28, 2017 11:33AM

  Yeah, that didn't strike me..

sstrams314June 29, 2017 03:06AM

  That may be true

IowaRam344June 28, 2017 01:28PM

  Re: We are not the center of the universe...

73Ram288June 30, 2017 12:17PM

  Is there a beginning and end?

Atlantic Ram243July 10, 2017 02:37PM

  Sorry to do this... really... but I have a BUT...

JamesJM277July 10, 2017 03:52PM

  Re: Sorry to do this... really... but I have a BUT...

zn272July 11, 2017 10:39AM

  watch "how the universe works" series on Sci Channel

Rampage2K-298June 30, 2017 12:21PM

  Re: We are not the center of the universe...

zn326June 30, 2017 01:23PM

  I don't think so, ZN...

JamesJM289June 30, 2017 02:33PM

  Re: I don't think so, ZN...

zn275June 30, 2017 02:59PM

  Re: I don't think so, ZN...

JamesJM270June 30, 2017 03:07PM

  Re: I don't think so, ZN...

zn290June 30, 2017 03:30PM

  Re: I don't think so, ZN...

JamesJM303June 30, 2017 03:54PM

  Re: I don't think so, ZN...

zn332June 30, 2017 04:01PM

  Re: I don't think so, ZN...

waterfield262July 09, 2017 04:47PM

  Re: I don't think so, ZN...

zn258July 09, 2017 05:16PM

  it's that, and more...

JamesJM267July 09, 2017 05:58PM

  Re: I don't think so, ZN...

waterfield282July 09, 2017 06:00PM

  LOL.... it's more than that.

JamesJM266July 09, 2017 07:16PM

  totally off topic but you may know the answer...

JamesJM271June 30, 2017 04:00PM

  Re: totally off topic but you may know the answer...

zn297June 30, 2017 09:30PM

  By the way... I'm sure you've heard...

JamesJM280June 30, 2017 07:22PM

  Re: By the way... I'm sure you've heard...

zn285June 30, 2017 09:33PM

  Re: We are not the center of the universe...

Steve320July 06, 2017 08:36PM