June 18, 2017 08:58AM
I don't know if once you've been stung a few times whether your body emits some kind of danger pheromone to wasps. But I can just be minding my own business and one will sting me. ??? Sucks. So I am not a fan. And I use the spray stuff from the store.

If your home is infested, then I would suggest calling a pro. I know that they need a nearby water source... luckily we have a pool that keeps them well hydrated and coming back for more... There's a lot of stuff online that gives tips on how to reduce their numbers. I haven't tried any of that stuff though.

I also have a youngster running around so I can be pretty diligent about killing them. I didn't know there was stuff a pest control company can spray to keep them away. I might try that if they remain in the numbers they are around my house. For whatever reason they love our swing set. They don't build nests there but they love landing on it and flying around it. I don't know why.

Without seeing your pot. I wonder if there is some way to cover it. I would probably turn it over and run like the wind. Then go back a few hours later and spray the hell out of it. But I'm not suggesting that lol.... just saying' what I would do. Try not to let your woman see you scream like a little girl while you're at it. smiling smiley

Good luck. Stay safe.

  wasp issue

ferragamo79489June 17, 2017 04:34PM

  I had a problem years back

LesBaker199June 18, 2017 05:27AM

  I am a wasp magnet

Atlantic Ram189June 18, 2017 08:58AM

  Pest Control for hire

ferragamo79200June 25, 2017 02:10PM