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Re: My sister had one of those K-Tel compilation albums

December 11, 2016 05:09PM

It has always been about Spider-man

When I was a kid , probably 90% of all comics I read were Spider-man , then in the 80's , I got into the X-Men some , haven't really read any comics since though , so I'm pretty out of touch with any of the newer comics

Pretty much all my comic book knowledge now days comes from Wikipedia

But Spider-man always had such a great cast of supporting characters , it was just as fun reading about Peter Parker as it was when he was Spider-man , but it was also all about the villains , Spider-man has a rogue gallery of bad guys , second to none

I never really got into DC Comics much , I would read a few here and a few there , usually ones that were just given to me as a kid................lol

The Spider-man movies were ok , but they just never quite got it right , I'm hoping third time is a charm , totally excited to finally see Spider-man in Marvel Studio Universe for the first time

I've loved every single Marvel Studio movie so far ,

Now the X-Men movies over at Fox , not so much , haven't really cared that much for any of them , other then Deadpool , still haven't made it through X-Men Apocalypse

DC movies have been hit and miss


  Original King Kong movie on tonight on TCM

IowaRam522December 10, 2016 11:09AM

  When I went to N.Y.C. last month......

Ramgator268December 11, 2016 09:01AM


sanfRAM331December 11, 2016 11:01AM

  The Jeff Bridges/ Jessica Lange remake I liked a lot...

JamesJM266December 11, 2016 01:01PM


sanfRAM251December 11, 2016 01:45PM

  I know exactly what you mean...in fact...

JamesJM251December 11, 2016 01:56PM

  I actually switched over to watch the Bay City Rollers Live

IowaRam277December 11, 2016 02:07PM

  HA HA!!!

sanfRAM362December 11, 2016 02:36PM

  My sister had one of those K-Tel compilation albums

IowaRam257December 11, 2016 02:54PM

  Re: My sister had one of those K-Tel compilation albums

sanfRAM276December 11, 2016 03:16PM

  Re: My sister had one of those K-Tel compilation albums

IowaRam315December 11, 2016 05:09PM


sanfRAM287December 13, 2016 02:02PM

  I bought an album on iTunes that...

JamesJM262December 11, 2016 03:31PM

  Re: The Jeff Bridges/ Jessica Lange remake I liked a lot...

ferragamo79254December 13, 2016 01:53PM

  Re: The Jeff Bridges/ Jessica Lange remake I liked a lot...

sanfRAM260December 13, 2016 01:57PM

  just turned 50 old timer

ferragamo79230December 13, 2016 06:05PM

  Re: just turned 50 old timer

sanfRAM277December 13, 2016 06:20PM

  Oh yeah Yancys

ferragamo79212December 14, 2016 07:26AM

  I liked them both....

IowaRam285December 11, 2016 03:11PM