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Finished it yesterday...

February 04, 2025 11:47AM
I liked it a lot. As you say - very well acted. The cinematography is outstanding. The story is compelling... and also...

I agree, some of the violence was over the top. Most of it? laughing smiley

I don't think it's very accurate as far as the story ALTHOUGH... while I have read about the history of this area I haven't really studied it. In all fairness... the movie doesn't claim to be historically accurate.

I seem to be "caught up".... IOW.... I've seen all the episodes in all the series I'm currently watching. Sadly I now have a long wait for most of them to continue.... except for "The Chosen" which, as Mama mentioned, should debut their new season in May, or thereabouts.

Tonight I'm going to rewatch "Sunset Boulevard". I had never seen this movie until a year or two ago. I posted about it. I was stunned at how good it was. It was one of those 'classics' with rave reviews that I had heard about all my life but had never watched. I studied Film in college, (actually a dramatic arts major but this was part of it), and I love coming across movie innovation.... where the Director breaks the mold and delivers something very new and very artistic. This movie does exactly that. Billy Wilder film. It's Hitchcock level of brilliance. - JamesJM

  Has 'American Primeval' been discussed here?

JamesJM76January 31, 2025 06:36AM

  I enjoyed it but

Atlantic Ram33February 03, 2025 11:17AM

  Finished it yesterday...

JamesJM23February 04, 2025 11:47AM