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What Star Wars REALLY needs is to get the hell away from Disney and back to Lucas!

June 05, 2024 02:07PM
I have zero desire to see anything Star Wars. Just a cash cow now that few care about. They REEEEEALLY dropped the ball with the last three. Even pissed off Mark Hamil. I mean...They had Fisher, Ford and Hamil ALL on board and ZERO scenes with them together??? MORONS!

  I think I finally figured my out problem with modern Star Wars

IowaRam104June 05, 2024 01:01PM

  What Star Wars REALLY needs is to get the hell away from Disney and back to Lucas!

Ramgator75June 05, 2024 02:07PM

  It was special back in the day

ferragamo7948June 09, 2024 02:44PM

  Even my Wife's oldest Son.... A HUUUUUUUGE Star Wars fan...

Ramgator49June 10, 2024 07:20AM