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I don't need the movie. I LIVED The Planet Of The Apes in 1973!! LOLOL

May 13, 2024 02:39AM
I was 5 or 6 when me, my Brother and a friend of his played "Planet Of The Apes". My Brother and our neighbor were Apes. GUESS WHO THE "HUMAN" WAS!!! I evaded them for a solid hour or two. I was 5 or 6...my Brother was 11 or 12 and our neighbor was 10. When they caught me......I was Hog Tied and hoisted up our Pecan Tree and poked with a cane fishing pole!! LOLOL We laughed about that for years. Our Bud's Mom just passed away 2 months ago. At the Funeral, we had a good laugh as he told HIS Son about our POTA reenactment.

  We went and saw , The Rise Of The Battle Of The Conquest Of The Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes

IowaRam89May 12, 2024 05:51AM

  Re: We went and saw , The Rise Of The Battle Of The Conquest Of The Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes

MamaRAMa31May 12, 2024 07:08AM

  Re: We went and saw , The Rise Of The Battle Of The Conquest Of The Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes

IowaRam37May 12, 2024 07:25AM

  My new favorite part from the new apes movies Attachments

IowaRam37May 12, 2024 07:16AM

  The FIRST Planet Of The Apes reminds me of Jaws.

Ramgator37May 13, 2024 02:32AM

  I don't need the movie. I LIVED The Planet Of The Apes in 1973!! LOLOL

Ramgator61May 13, 2024 02:39AM

  Iowa...You mentioned the cool looking Ape helmets. Our Bud had one!

Ramgator31May 13, 2024 02:43AM