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That happened just 5 days before I left for San Antonio / Boot Camp.

March 31, 2024 08:39AM
I remember being starved for info in the aftermath. We were told little of the outside world till about 4-5 weeks in. Every morning, we'd pass a USA Today newspaper box on our way to training or classes. Being in the 4th row, far left, I could get a clear look at the headline on the paper, if for only 1-2 seconds. Wasn't till I arrived at Chanute AFB for Tech School that I'd be able to read in depth on the aftermath. At my Duty Station, in Arkansas, we had a new Firefighter come in around 1988 / early 89. He was assigned to Patrick AFB and actually knew one of the Recovery Team guys for the Challenger Crew remains. I heard back THEN about their Emergency Oxygen being turned on. Till then, I had always hoped they died instantly. While at Chanute, I developed a obsession about it. Even read a book about all seven of them. When it blew up, I could see the "Y" shaped smoke in the horizon, from my front yard. It was such a bummer of a day. I hated going several weeks with no info or answers.

  Hey Seattle.. you gonna watch thar series on the Challenger disaster

sstrams110March 31, 2024 05:28AM

  I'll have to check it out.

SeattleRam48March 31, 2024 06:29AM

  That happened just 5 days before I left for San Antonio / Boot Camp.

Ramgator38March 31, 2024 08:39AM

  About a year ago, I watched a 3-4 part series on Challenger on Netflix...

Ramgator39March 31, 2024 08:41AM

  This is a series, but not sure how many episodes..

sstrams45March 31, 2024 09:31AM