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I'll have to check it out.

March 31, 2024 06:29AM
I also like the show Air Disasters.

There has also been a couple movies made about the Challenger Disaster.


  Hey Seattle.. you gonna watch thar series on the Challenger disaster

sstrams110March 31, 2024 05:28AM

  I'll have to check it out.

SeattleRam48March 31, 2024 06:29AM

  That happened just 5 days before I left for San Antonio / Boot Camp.

Ramgator39March 31, 2024 08:39AM

  About a year ago, I watched a 3-4 part series on Challenger on Netflix...

Ramgator39March 31, 2024 08:41AM

  This is a series, but not sure how many episodes..

sstrams45March 31, 2024 09:31AM