November 18, 2023 11:59PM
I saw the score.... Tulare Union must have been one HELL of a good team to come that close to knocking off CVC. CVC could probably knock off most if not all of the D1 teams.

Donelson is a phenomena. We played CVC the last couple of years and he ate us up. But then he eats up every team they play.

Good All Star game tonight.... my grandson scored our first two TD's, out of 3, and we won. Leading rusher by far. Good way to end his youth football career... now it's JV ball, (Kerman doesn't have a Freshman team). - JamesJM

  21Dog... headed to Tulare for the Sectional Championship...

JamesJM98November 18, 2023 12:50PM

  I saw that

21Dog63November 18, 2023 02:19PM

  Tulare Union

JamesJM75November 18, 2023 11:59PM