June 26, 2023 06:59AM
My daughter joined an English Springer Spaniel Facebook group. She tried to get me to join but I declined.... I'm not much of a Facebook guy. HOWEVER -

She's been showing me many, and I mean like a LOT, of people posting about English Springer Spaniel habits.... like tearing up plants, (good ones, not weeds). Seems they ALL do this... do other breeds? We've had many breeds over the years, (not the last year), and NONE of them tore up plants. Guido, (our new spaniel puppy), attacks plants like they're zombie's come to slay life on earth.

Sticks. Now ALL dogs love sticks. (Limbs, twigs) BUT.... seems English Springer Spaniels can't survive unless they have a stick in their mouth.

Finding socks - - I don't know where he's getting them but it seems my home must have socks lying around everywhere in my home. Guido likes his chew toys but if there is a sock around he will have nothing to do with his chew toys.

Fighting, (tug of war), with his fluffy chew toys... no one in my family, nor any guest in my home, has been able to wear him out by playing tug of war... he can play it for hours.... I think maybe days, weeks?

Guido has learned "no".... he just doesn't respect the word very much. It's like this: Me, "NO"... Guido, "Not sure you meant a hard no".... Me, "NOOOOOO".... Guido, "Umm, not convinced you really mean that".

Raising a new puppy is frustrating. Also rewarding but not for those without resolute demeanor. - JamesJM

  Does your dog do this?

JamesJM102June 26, 2023 06:59AM

  Facebook is good for stuff like that..

sstrams67June 26, 2023 07:28AM

  Yes, I agree...

JamesJM58June 26, 2023 08:07AM

  Re: Does your dog do this?

MamaRAMa54June 26, 2023 02:07PM

  I like the sound of your dog....

JamesJM51June 26, 2023 02:31PM