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Anybody here make a puzzle lately

January 19, 2023 05:34PM
I was at a thrift store and bought this thinking....hey cool, I will do this to relax......I'm pretty sure I am retarded and nobody told me because it's pretty difficult....I will do it and started but harder than I thought

RIP Bucky - 7/25/1943 - 1/19/2013

  Anybody here make a puzzle lately Attachments

ferragamo79157January 19, 2023 05:34PM


IowaRam96January 19, 2023 06:08PM

  Every Christmas holiday

canadaram133January 19, 2023 06:10PM

  Re: Every Christmas holiday

IowaRam93January 19, 2023 06:20PM

  That’s impressive

canadaram120January 19, 2023 06:26PM

  Re: That’s impressive

IowaRam95January 19, 2023 06:32PM

  "Spatial Awareness"

waterfield81January 19, 2023 07:07PM

  Re: "Spatial Awareness"

canadaram107January 20, 2023 01:23AM

  Re: "Spatial Awareness"

waterfield98January 20, 2023 12:50PM

  Re: "Spatial Awareness"

canadaram87January 20, 2023 02:31PM

  My Wife LOVES puzzles! But they give me a headache! LOL It's funny......

Ramgator106January 20, 2023 02:28AM

  Do you ever get naughty and paint..

sstrams100January 20, 2023 02:50AM


Ramgator76January 20, 2023 02:36PM

  Yeah, I get that..

sstrams79January 20, 2023 02:42PM