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Had a similar problem...

January 18, 2023 08:33AM
although no where near as complicated as yours. Knob broke in the closed position. I had to disassemble it which required some finesse and a chisel but still not as bad as your situation.

Put one of those new, (new to me anyway), knobs you can simply push to open the door. GREAT for reentering the house (it was the door into the garage) with an armful of stuff. - JamesJM

  Having a temper can be expensive..

sstrams126January 18, 2023 07:30AM

  Had a similar problem...

JamesJM59January 18, 2023 08:33AM

  Did I tell you about the time..

sstrams62January 18, 2023 09:08AM

  Re: Did I tell you about the time..

MamaRAMa59January 18, 2023 10:42AM

  No doubt, right?

sstrams50January 18, 2023 10:55AM

  HERE is how SST "fixes" a door!! Attachments

Ramgator60January 18, 2023 09:17AM

  I'm glad someone finally gets me..

sstrams52January 18, 2023 09:56AM

  The new door is in the house..

sstrams64January 18, 2023 12:30PM