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August 04, 2019 05:51AM
I have always considered a narrative a story...and a story can be fictitious or true...But I always thought a truth was a truth...So it seems a narrative can be vs. a truth.......if the narrative is just that...a story...it can be a fake story...it can be a story written to attempt to bring truth to a fake story....The main word being attempt......by adding supposition to the story line you have gone from a factual true story to a made up story by adding supposition to the basic story since supposition IMO is not a fact....So it seems to me a narrative can be a non truth....a fake story...

  Goff is suffering from the unfair power of narrative

BeachBoy771August 04, 2019 12:29AM

  I take comfort in this.....

NewMexicoRam295August 04, 2019 03:38AM

  Re: I take comfort in this.....

Ekern55187August 04, 2019 09:24AM

  Re: I take comfort in this.....

Classicalwit235August 04, 2019 12:56PM

  Re: Goff is suffering from the unfair power of narrative

zn426August 04, 2019 03:42AM

  Re: Goff is suffering from the unfair power of narrative

max276August 04, 2019 04:31AM

  Re: Goff is suffering from the unfair power of narrative

zn314August 04, 2019 05:01AM

  Re: Goff is suffering from the unfair power of narrative

den-the-coach319August 04, 2019 05:48AM

  Good point

max272August 04, 2019 06:07AM

  my bet?

zn255August 04, 2019 08:11AM


roman18255August 04, 2019 05:51AM

  Not a chance. A completely distorted worldview.

RockRam206August 04, 2019 01:46PM

  Re: Not a chance. A completely distorted worldview.

Classicalwit229August 04, 2019 03:24PM

  Re: Not a chance. A completely distorted worldview.

Rampage2K-199August 04, 2019 05:44PM

  Re: Goff is suffering from the unfair power of narrative

sfbayram258August 04, 2019 06:25AM