January 14, 2019 08:35PM
mostly class and image, but when Peter's is talking and he can't back it up on the field, it's pretty sad. and he basically cost us a touchdown with that personal foul so he is the last one who should be talking.

and in the case of Sullivan, he may cost us a future game now that the Saints will do extra work to not provide any "tells".

you do realize this is the "genius" of Bill Belichick, right? if he's not stealing your hand signals and audibles, he's looking for other tells. it's like most teams are playing the cards in their hands and he is reading their faces and playing his cards. huge advantage.

do you think any of Belichicks players ever announce they had a tell on the opposing team?

  They need to STHU

Old Goat550January 14, 2019 03:55PM

  Re: They need to STHU

kw13176January 14, 2019 03:56PM

  Agreed. Shut up nm

Speed_Kills127January 14, 2019 04:32PM

  New Orleans players are dogging Eagles...

jemach171January 14, 2019 04:38PM

  JUST read that. I'm banking on multiple 15 yarders this week.

Ramgator158January 14, 2019 04:46PM

  Re: I'm curious...

dzrams160January 14, 2019 07:15PM

  Re: I'm curious...

kw13131January 14, 2019 08:35PM

  Everybody has "tells"

CROMWELL21133January 14, 2019 08:41PM