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Ok, I get you now. Here's my final nitpick.

September 26, 2018 09:27AM
By your definition, there are no "must win" games yet.

Later there are. But I think that's just a matter of perspective.

With two weeks to go in a season, it's easier to say "The Rams must win 1 of these last 2 (or whatever) to make the playoffs."
It's easier to see then, because the variables have been greatly reduced.

But maybe if they win in week 4, then they don't need 1 of those last 2.
They might be already in.

So every game is "must win" and no game is "must win"

What I'm pointing at is that I still expect the Vikings, despite their current record, to be real contenders at the end.
For playoff spots and for HFA. Especially if they win this game.

Not only that, but coupled with last year's victory by them, it might affect the confidence of these two teams when next they meet.

So a victory against them tomorrow does a lot more for the Rams than just get another W.

It might, maybe, help to actually eliminate Minn entirely.

And at the least, force them to come to LA for a playoff game.

To me, that's not "must win", but it sure is "we better win!".

Ok, now my nitpick is over. LOL.

Thanks for understanding.


  Peters should sit...

spagsbacker651September 26, 2018 01:50AM

  Agreed nm

joram157September 26, 2018 02:44AM

  If he is ready he should play

Hazlet Hacksaw167September 26, 2018 03:00AM

  Re: If he is ready he should play

Classicalwit143September 26, 2018 03:25AM

  Maybe it's like in the movie Miracle...

JamesJM200September 26, 2018 05:36AM

  Rams and McVay seem to always be conservative on injuries

RockRam184September 26, 2018 03:54AM

  Re: well if he can play he should play

Speed_Kills236September 26, 2018 05:49AM

  this is why they signed Shields

LMU93120September 26, 2018 06:04AM

  Yep, and even if he can play, medically speaking...

Saguaro162September 26, 2018 06:07AM

  Re: a gimpy Peters should not play

Speed_Kills111September 26, 2018 06:37AM

  The Viking game is not a “must win” game...

Rams43155September 26, 2018 06:09AM

  Re: The Viking game is not a “must win” game...

BigGame81136September 26, 2018 06:15AM

  Re: The Viking game is not a “must win” game...

Rams43145September 26, 2018 06:31AM

  I didn't miss your point about Peters.

Saguaro191September 26, 2018 06:54AM

  Re: I didn't miss your point about Peters.

Rams43113September 26, 2018 07:11AM

  Ok, I get you now. Here's my final nitpick.

Saguaro100September 26, 2018 09:27AM

  Re: Ok, I get you now. Here's my final nitpick.

Rams4386September 26, 2018 11:09AM

  I kinda disagree with that.

Saguaro145September 26, 2018 06:20AM

  I had two thoughts reading this....

JamesJM105September 26, 2018 06:40AM

  I agree Sags

ferragamo7994September 26, 2018 07:44AM

  Re: I kinda disagree with that.

Ramsdude184September 26, 2018 01:44PM

  Re: I kinda disagree with that.

RamsFanSinceLA89September 27, 2018 07:16AM

  Sheesh, as a doctor.....

NewMexicoRam199September 26, 2018 07:18AM