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Re: Season ending ACL tears

August 10, 2018 11:21AM
I read something a while ago that suggested that the increase in ligament tears is a result of players getting bigger/stronger/faster. Muscles get bigger and stronger by working out year round but ligaments don't: they take on more stress but can't handle it. And so they tear more readily than they did when players were slower and smaller.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/10/2018 11:22AM by AlbaNY_Ram.

  Derrius Guice out for the year?

Speed_Kills734August 10, 2018 09:47AM

  Yup. He's done for this year.

max277August 10, 2018 09:53AM

  Re: Good grief.... I’d say

Speed_Kills232August 10, 2018 02:09PM

  Liked hearing you say that...

JamesJM185August 10, 2018 02:13PM

  Re: IKR... Jim I hate them

Speed_Kills250August 10, 2018 02:20PM

  Owners worried about head injuries, injuries in general...

jemach163August 11, 2018 07:50AM

  Re: Owners worried about head injuries, injuries in general...

Ekern55393August 11, 2018 06:44PM

  wow!!! No wonder McVay is talking about sitting starters next week

Rampage2K-249August 10, 2018 09:58AM

  Can't keep them in bubble wrap

RFIP269August 10, 2018 10:15AM

  Re: Can't keep them in bubble wrap

Rampage2K-247August 10, 2018 10:24AM

  I get more concerned with

RFIP230August 10, 2018 10:38AM

  Re: Can't keep them in bubble wrap

Barf33199August 10, 2018 10:46AM

  Season ending ACL tears

MamaRAMa223August 10, 2018 11:05AM

  Re: Season ending ACL tears

AlbaNY_Ram422August 10, 2018 11:21AM


RamUK284August 10, 2018 11:32AM

  Re: Season ending ACL tears

MamaRAMa208August 10, 2018 11:43AM


ramBRO286August 10, 2018 11:41AM

  totally agree I coached youth soccer

ferragamo79278August 10, 2018 03:12PM


jemach209August 11, 2018 07:40AM

  Utter nonsense

RamUK271August 10, 2018 11:28AM

  Re: Go back to natural turf............Plastic Grass SUCKS!

oldschoolramfan276August 10, 2018 05:05PM

  I don't know....

JamesJM179August 11, 2018 02:27AM

  You may be right

RamUK184August 11, 2018 05:41AM