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Re: remember, I said one of the 4-5 best defenders in the game, that's his contract peer group

May 31, 2017 04:51AM
We are all in agreement that AD is probably the best current DT in the game. He's playing at a HOF level.

But here's where we disagree. DT's don't get paid at top 5 salaries. .

Since there is no other elite DT of Donald's stature, your statement is kind of empty.

Donald will get paid at that level.

You might as well have said of Miller, LBs don't get paid at that level. Well Miller did.

Or you might as well have said of Watt, 3/4 DEs don't get paid at that level. Well Watt did.

You pay one of the 4-5 best defenders in the game at that level. You don't jerk him around, you don't try to short him, you don't act like he's NOT one of the rare top defenders in the league, you don't turn him into a disgruntled and cheated player.

As a rule smoking smiley there are no dogmatic rules of the kind you're invoking. There is no tablet of laws with words chiseled in them saying what DTs are paid, or rare elite DTs who are universally regarded as transcending the position and being one of the small group of best defenders in the league.

This is how contracts work. It's the market. You pay a guy what it takes to keep him. If you don't someone else will. If you don't want to pay Miller because quote unquote linebackers don't get paid that, then...someone else will pay him that.


Calling Von Miller a LB is more than a bit disengenous, zn. He's an edge rusher, and an elite one, at that.

Check this out.


Exactly 3 DT's in the top 46 '17 salaries.

The list is dominated by QB's, Edge rushers, and an occasional WR or CB. Just as I posted.

It's a reflection on the value diffentials of various positions.

A QB is more likely to result in a team win than a DT. Common sense that they are paid more highly. Not that complicated.

You missed the point 43. (Semantics about LBs/edge rushers aside). Name another DT who like Donald is considered one of the 4 or 5 best defenders in the league.

BTW Miller gets about 19,000 a year more than Suh. Donald is of course better than Suh.

Are you claiming, btw, that you understand whom to pay how much better than the Rams do? Because here's one of the 2-3 best DCs in the league obviously endorsing paying him the big contract he WILL get. Do you think Phillips doesn't understand contracts as well as a message board poster does?


Cherry pick and rationalize all you want, zn.

But the facts remain. DT's do not receive the same contracts as QB's and Edge rushers. They just don't.

And I think most would agree that Suh was grossly overpaid on his last contract. Something that I hope the Rams can avoid. So, to cite Suh's contract as an example just reinforces my argument, man.

  Unless Donald is willing to take big discount, Rams should be in no hurry to sign him

Rampage2K-1428May 29, 2017 09:20AM

  Not if he doesn't show up

TonyHunter87616May 29, 2017 09:26AM

  Re: Not if he doesn't show up

Rampage2K-530May 29, 2017 09:31AM

  Is it all about the contract? Thought talks were serious??

TonyHunter87476May 29, 2017 09:39AM

  completely disagree

zn480May 29, 2017 10:29AM

  Re: completely disagree

Rampage2K-445May 29, 2017 10:52AM

  you don't know that

zn553May 29, 2017 11:12AM

  The financials you speak of make sense but consider

Rams_81536May 29, 2017 11:25AM

  Re: The financials you speak of make sense but consider

RFIP427May 29, 2017 11:36AM

  He may want to "walk" though

LesBaker414May 29, 2017 01:17PM

  Re: He may want to "walk" though

Rampage2K-488May 29, 2017 01:36PM

  In one way I agree in another I disagree

LesBaker379May 30, 2017 02:19PM

  This is different from Ziggy's mess ups

Rams_81365May 29, 2017 03:13PM

  not really

zn494May 29, 2017 03:32PM

  Warner never held out with the Rams....

Rampage2K-401May 29, 2017 04:57PM


TonyHunter87404May 29, 2017 05:21PM

  we are both part wrong...Faulk absolutely did hold out, yes

zn452May 29, 2017 05:51PM

  Seems like I remember Warner..

sstrams361May 31, 2017 06:21AM

  Re: Seems like I remember Warner..

zn345May 31, 2017 06:35AM

  Re: Seems like I remember Warner..

TonyHunter87361May 31, 2017 07:53AM

  In case that was meant for me..

sstrams379May 31, 2017 08:55AM

  Re: Unless Donald is willing to take big discount, Rams should be in no hurry to sign him

RFIP397May 29, 2017 11:16AM

  Yes you are right

LesBaker380May 30, 2017 02:25PM

  Re: Unless Donald is willing to take big discount, Rams should be in no hurry to sign him

Rampage2K-354May 30, 2017 02:36PM

  Re: Unless Donald is willing to take big discount, Rams should be in no hurry to sign him

VANRAM486May 30, 2017 05:33PM

  2 years yes but 4 will be costly

LesBaker415May 29, 2017 01:00PM

  I favor extending him now, but with caveats...

Rams43368May 29, 2017 01:36PM

  Guaranteed $ and hold out fines

headslapper342May 29, 2017 02:01PM

  Re: Guaranteed $ and hold out fines

Rampage2K-400May 29, 2017 02:03PM

  Re: Guaranteed $ and hold out fines

headslapper407May 29, 2017 02:13PM

  Re: I favor extending him now, but with caveats...

bigjimram21372May 29, 2017 08:42PM

  Re: I favor extending him now, but with caveats...

tonyde365May 30, 2017 11:02AM

  Best player Rams have had since 2003

ferragamo79418May 29, 2017 03:56PM


LMU93437May 30, 2017 04:07AM

  The question for me is how much he'll impact in Phillip's D.

RockRam421May 30, 2017 04:25AM

  why wouldn't he have an impact in WP's D?

zn492May 30, 2017 10:54AM

  He's not only the best player on the Rams, he's the best DT in the game

promomasterj396May 30, 2017 09:51AM

  +1.... (nm)

LMU93353May 30, 2017 11:17AM

  Re: +1.... (nm) plus, another +1 (nm)

zn398May 30, 2017 11:50AM

  Re: He's not only the best player on the Rams, he's the best DT in the game

Rams43531May 30, 2017 11:33AM

  He should be paid like the best DT in the league

promomasterj393May 30, 2017 11:40AM

  Re: He should be paid like the best DT in the league

Rams43382May 30, 2017 11:49AM

  I will go one step further

zn424May 30, 2017 12:06PM

  he's getting Von Miller money, period

LMU93961May 30, 2017 01:17PM

  For ZN and 93...

Rams43373May 30, 2017 02:10PM

  Re: For ZN and 93...

zn395May 30, 2017 05:23PM

  Re: For ZN and 93...

Rams43377May 30, 2017 05:53PM

  I just think impact trumps position

LMU93594May 31, 2017 03:31AM

  Re: I just think impact trumps position

Rams43369May 31, 2017 04:43AM

  Re: I just think impact trumps position

LMU93364May 31, 2017 05:13AM

  Re: I just think impact trumps position

Rams43392May 31, 2017 05:28AM

  other UFAs

LMU93353May 31, 2017 05:43AM

  remember, I said one of the 4-5 best defenders in the game, that's his contract peer group

zn393May 31, 2017 03:46AM

  Re: remember, I said one of the 4-5 best defenders in the game, that's his contract peer group

Rams43329May 31, 2017 04:51AM

  Troy Polamalu flashback

snowman363May 31, 2017 04:50AM

  Re: The numbers show differently...Averages for highest paid positions

dzrams523May 30, 2017 07:23PM

  Re: The numbers show differently...Averages for highest paid positions

Rams43366May 31, 2017 05:05AM

  Re: The numbers show differently...Averages for highest paid positions

dzrams355May 31, 2017 07:56AM

  Re: The numbers show differently...Averages for highest paid positions

Rams43358May 31, 2017 08:45AM

  Re: The numbers show differently...Averages for highest paid positions

dzrams356May 31, 2017 09:35AM

  Re: The numbers show differently...Averages for highest paid positions

zn357May 31, 2017 10:05AM

  Re: The numbers show differently...Averages for highest paid positions

Rams43380May 31, 2017 10:13AM

  need more popcorn for this

snowman367May 31, 2017 12:30PM

  Re: The numbers show differently...Averages for highest paid positions

zn335May 31, 2017 01:14PM

  Re: The numbers show differently...Averages for highest paid positions

Rams43481May 31, 2017 10:09AM

  Luckily we don't have a QB, DE, or LOT due big money...

promomasterj535May 31, 2017 08:17AM

  already gave our DE big money...

Rampage2K-312May 31, 2017 08:24AM

  His deal will be off the books soon, or can be

promomasterj330May 31, 2017 08:40AM

  Re: already gave our DE big money...

zn362May 31, 2017 01:19PM

  I'm just frustrated in all this... no idea who to blame...

JamesJM382May 30, 2017 03:03PM

  Re: I'm just frustrated in all this... no idea who to blame...

Rampage2K-379May 30, 2017 04:38PM

  Re: I'm just frustrated in all this... no idea who to blame...

zn387May 30, 2017 05:16PM

  I don't know is an assumption?

JamesJM392May 30, 2017 05:28PM

  Re: I don't know is an assumption?

zn378May 30, 2017 05:32PM

  Well I certainly don't know that...

JamesJM366May 30, 2017 05:36PM

  Faulk didn't hold out

TonyHunter87361May 30, 2017 06:11PM

  I already posted the evidence on this...yes he did

zn301May 30, 2017 06:35PM

  He was holding out with the colts

TonyHunter87370May 30, 2017 06:54PM

  Re: He was holding out with the colts

zn365May 30, 2017 07:17PM

  That's why the colts traded him

TonyHunter87382May 30, 2017 08:49PM

  Re: That's why the colts traded him

zn361May 30, 2017 09:24PM

  Warner definitely never held out

TonyHunter87356May 30, 2017 09:40PM

  does that post say he did?

zn477May 30, 2017 10:27PM

  Re: Unless Donald is willing to take big discount, Rams should be in no hurry to sign him

GarlicExile391May 31, 2017 12:49PM

  Interesting take...

JamesJM372May 31, 2017 01:18PM

  This is all about injuries

PeoriaRa410June 01, 2017 05:29AM

  Re: This is all about injuries

zn365June 01, 2017 05:41AM

  Re: This is all about injuries

dzrams340June 01, 2017 07:51AM

  Re: This is all about injuries

zn351June 01, 2017 08:19AM

  Re: This is all about injuries

Rampage2K-230June 01, 2017 10:33AM

  Re: This is all about injuries

zn346June 01, 2017 10:38AM

  Re: This is all about injuries

Rampage2K-367June 01, 2017 10:45AM

  Re: This is all about injuries

zn328June 01, 2017 10:50AM

  Re: This is all about injuries

Rampage2K-355June 01, 2017 10:21AM