April 09, 2017 05:46PM
My details are going to be a little sketchy as I was listening to Sirius NFL channel while driving to MD today and the were interviewing the SC' head coach about some of his draftable players when the subject turned to one of their OL. Not sure if he's in this draft or still at SC' because they were talking about both sets of players, but here's the rub on what I want you to clarify for me.

They were talking about some huge OL, tackle I "think" and the radio guy asked him about his knee bend and hip bend and the coach blew me away when he said; "yeah we worked with him and luckily he decided on his own to have that surgery on both hips to increase flexibility and you could see immediately that it made a major improvement almost instantly..."


What surgery is he talking about? I've never heard of this. An elective surgery on ones hips that increase range of motion?

Is this new?

Is this common? A trend?

R.I.P. Nelson aka TonyHunter87 1971 - 2017 far too soon..

Your last words to me: "Your a great guy RFIP. I was very sad when you left the board, and your son, but was glad to see you back. Take care my friend, may God be by your side." 09/09/2017 12:58AM

No Nelson, you were a far better man than I, and I am sure an awesome husband and father as well. I will miss you my friend. -RFIP

  Hey la, question about SC' lineman?

RFIP469April 09, 2017 05:46PM