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Disappointing lack of focus and intensity so far in preseason

August 21, 2023 02:09PM
You can explain the 2 preseason games away as 'yeah but' - no Donald, some rookies, blah, blah, blah - but after 2 games - close to 70 points! The Chargers and Raiders were playing back ups too. Neither team seemed to have much trouble - covering kicks, returning kicks, scoring points, stopping our offense.

Again, I know it's only preseason - but our defense is an eyesore. Getting pushed around at the point of attack. A small handful of plays made (pick 6) but they look like they're sleepwalking at times. Where is the aggression? is there any player who's played these 2 games on defense who stood out for the entire time they were out there? I didn't see much. Right now it looks like we have next to nothing at edge. For some of the guys on the DL who've been here a year are 2 - where's the next Morgan Fox, or SJD - late round picks who start to really show up?

The offense can only seem to put together about 2 drives a game. Though there have been some bright spots there, but again - not putting drives together seems to be based on mental mistakes.

It would be one thing if we didn't crap the bed last year and win 5 games. Would it be so bad to try and make a little statement / get some confidence before opening weekend?

  Disappointing lack of focus and intensity so far in preseason

promomasterj234August 21, 2023 02:09PM

  Re: Disappointing lack of focus and intensity so far in preseason

GlacieRam174August 21, 2023 03:29PM

  Agree After Watching Last Nights Game.

den-the-coach62August 22, 2023 03:16AM

  Re: Disappointing lack of focus and intensity so far in preseason

Old Goat110August 22, 2023 03:28AM

  Last years identity was clear OG

Ramsdude61August 22, 2023 03:35AM