April 02, 2024 11:51AM
Good Luck Dave Canales. You have a clueless owner in Dave Tepper that attacks fans who give him a little crap. Your QB is like a cheap sweater, seem to shrink after every wash or game and Tepper has already been through 3 Head Coaches and he has not been an owner that long. If Dave Canales wins 5 games, he should be coach of the year. Add in they traded their first round pick this year, to acquire that cheap sweater....Again, poor Dave Canales.

  Ranking the 10 Worst Quarterbacks in the NFL in 2024

BerendsenRam258April 02, 2024 08:26AM

  Bryce Young...Good Luck.

den-the-coach112April 02, 2024 11:51AM