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Re: LA Rams rumors: Interviews continue with this rising ACC coaching star…

February 12, 2024 07:30AM

Brumfield's groups have a pattern of excelling wherever he has been, and it was that quality that attracted Georgia Tech to hire him in 2023. Should the LA Rams hire him, he would join Chase Blackburn with the urgent need to turn the Rams special teams around quickly. Curiously, that could happen rather quickly if Brumfield is hired, as many of the current weaknesses for the team are in areas that Brumfield has had amazing success.

Seems to be the perfect match with Blackburn & maybe Brumfield is a better evaluator of kicking talent.

  LA Rams rumors: Interviews continue with this rising ACC coaching star…

Rams43232February 12, 2024 06:17AM

  Re: LA Rams rumors: Interviews continue with this rising ACC coaching star…

den-the-coach70February 12, 2024 07:30AM