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Here is my choice

February 11, 2024 06:41AM

I would like to see a darker version of the Royal Blue and the original yellow gold horns color and I like the current shape of the horns minus the split and with the added curled tip.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/11/2024 06:44AM by Crazylegs.

  AI created UNI...What do you think???

Ramsdude745February 08, 2024 12:59PM

  Love an actual horn on the helmet instead of a crescent moon

canadaram169February 08, 2024 01:10PM

  Yeah, it could be better but still looks pretty good

Ramsdude139February 08, 2024 01:15PM

  Re: Yeah, it could be better but still looks pretty good

ramithard116February 08, 2024 01:25PM

  Same here.. like the horn..

sstrams134February 08, 2024 02:23PM

  Re: Same here.. like the horn..

Ohiorams95February 08, 2024 03:50PM

  Re: Same here.. like the horn..

MamaRAMa100February 08, 2024 03:51PM

  Re: Same here.. like the horn..

Ramsdude66February 09, 2024 04:06AM

  Re: AI created UNI...What do you think???

Killrazor89February 08, 2024 11:26PM

  I still say a horn can be on the sleeves.

Ramgator65February 09, 2024 03:55AM

  Yes, it can Gator

Ramsdude65February 09, 2024 04:01AM

  I saw another one a few years ago that utilized the collar.

Ramgator63February 09, 2024 04:16AM

  I'm surprised the NFL has not gone back to sleeves for one reason...Merchandise.

Ramgator68February 09, 2024 03:59AM

  Re: AI created UNI...What do you think???

Classicalwit59February 09, 2024 04:01AM

  A few "tweaks" here and there would help this

Ramsdude80February 09, 2024 04:04AM

  Why do we need AI to create a uniform?

promomasterj84February 09, 2024 08:55AM

  Why not? lol

Ramsdude72February 09, 2024 09:14AM

  I hear it was N.I. that created our current look / logo

Ramgator73February 09, 2024 10:48AM

  Nailed it!

Ramsdude69February 09, 2024 11:49AM

  Re: AI created UNI...What do you think???

mtramfan60February 09, 2024 09:40PM

  Re: AI created UNI...What do you think???

Killrazor59February 09, 2024 11:46PM

  Could someone please repost this image?

RAMbler63February 10, 2024 07:22AM

  Let me see if I can find it for you again. In the mean time, here are someHere's some more... Attachments

Ramsdude97February 10, 2024 08:43AM

  Stafford - New vs Old pic

Ramsdude72February 10, 2024 08:53AM

  The left has "horns" on sleeves. How bout if they........

Ramgator64February 10, 2024 08:59AM

  Re: The left has "horns" on sleeves. How bout if they........

MamaRAMa60February 10, 2024 12:11PM

  Yeah. I THINK it was 1981???? when the Rams went to the darker helmets.

Ramgator56February 10, 2024 03:43PM

  Re: Yeah. I THINK it was 1981???? when the Rams went to the darker helmets.

RAMbler72February 11, 2024 03:36AM

  Here ya go. Helmet history...

Ramsdude81February 11, 2024 04:11AM

  Here is my choice

Crazylegs91February 11, 2024 06:41AM


Ramgator42February 11, 2024 07:29AM

  Demoff said you all have lost your minds!

Ramgator40February 11, 2024 09:26AM

  Perfect !

RAMbler64February 11, 2024 07:59AM

  Here is the Uniform Version

Crazylegs95February 11, 2024 08:13AM

  Re: Here is my choice

MamaRAMa68February 11, 2024 08:13AM

  Re: AI created UNI...What do you think???

mtramfan65February 11, 2024 10:54AM

  Re: AI created UNI...What do you think???

MamaRAMa43February 11, 2024 12:06PM