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Something our edges have to do - to some degree

May 25, 2023 01:43PM
sometimes the OLB, in this case say it's Floyd, has to step out and cover
that is something the younger guys will have to learn - including Hoecht
it can go to either side . . .

in this the line shifts left a 1/2 technique. . . (highlighted numbers)

some of the rookies may be behind on this, causing the guys with a years'
experience to have an advantage. But if the rookie edges can
pick it up, it helps... Rams OLBers have to play the run, cover, and rush

It's why Floyd was really better than his numbers, even though he was 10th
in the NFL in sacks last three years, his value as a guy who could set and edge
hold the point and cover some isn't measured in sacks alone. Rams OLBer/Edges
are asked to do a lot.


  Something our edges have to do - to some degree Attachments

JimYoungblood53214May 25, 2023 01:43PM

  Re: Something our edges have to do - to some degree

mtramfan46May 26, 2023 09:34AM

  Here is an example for you Attachments

JimYoungblood5341May 26, 2023 10:28AM

  Re: Something our edges have to do - to some degree

h2omelonhead49May 26, 2023 10:30AM