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Yeah, that's really all they have...

November 18, 2022 12:10PM
Set up a tense, quiet moment, followed by a loud jump scare.. You know its coming every time.. That and one thing they're doing more and more is having the ONE guy who is determined to kill the bad dude.. ha motive, trains for it, is WELL-ARMED, dresses cool, totally expect them to come and slay the dragon.. and they get killed with very little fight.. C'mon! Maybe the FIRST time they did that it was shocking, but now its EVERY movie, so you know the well=trained, motivated by revenge, well-armed dude is gonna not even come close to saving the day..

Friendship is like peeing your pants.. Everybody can see it, but only you can feel the warmth..


  Watched the 2022 reimagining of..

sstrams214November 18, 2022 07:26AM

  Re: Watched the 2022 reimagining of..

MamaRAMa89November 18, 2022 07:45AM

  Totally understand..

sstrams223November 18, 2022 07:51AM

  Same here...

JamesJM95November 18, 2022 08:28AM

  Well, the original film in '74..

sstrams80November 18, 2022 09:16AM

  Typical of today's dumbed down movies.

Ramgator89November 18, 2022 10:08AM

  Speaking of DUMB use of blood...Not a Horror flick but typical Hollywood crap...

Ramgator86November 18, 2022 10:11AM

  Yeah, that's really all they have...

sstrams101November 18, 2022 12:10PM

  That Geico commercial really nails the predictability!

Ramgator97November 18, 2022 02:26PM

  Yeah, it always amazes me how stupid people are..

sstrams110November 18, 2022 04:41PM