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Sad news, Ramgator...

November 13, 2022 03:23PM
sorry to hear that. Good friend of mine lost her dog this last week... she's close to inconsolable. Heartbreaking.

on a brighter note: Our life long 'outdoor' cat, Batman... nearing 13yrs old, is now an indoor cat. He's showing his age so we FINALLY convinced him to move indoors... (until old age he HATED being indoors). He was a wild cat that we tamed.

To survive outdoors where I live means Batman had to be one tough feline... no doubt he's fought of dogs, coyotes, who knows what? And made it to 13?

We now have 4 indoor cats... 3 of them spoiled rotten. One of them thinks he's tough, (Cocoa)... considers himself a bad ass.... or did until Batman came inside. Kind of funny to watch... Cocoa immediately tried to impose his mastery of the household on Batman... Batman gave him that "I don't play that @#$# cat.... you might want to reconsider" look.... which confused the hell out of Cocoa. Cocoa's spots? Now Batman's. Batman doesn't boast, no bragging, "no need to go heeled to get the bulge on a dub like you". laughing smiley

  Buried ANOTHER cat today. The roaming cat of our street, we call Morris.

Ramgator270November 13, 2022 02:49PM

  Aww.. I hate to hear that...

sstrams102November 13, 2022 03:12PM

  Sad news, Ramgator...

JamesJM117November 13, 2022 03:23PM