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Facebook does nothing but get people pissed at me...

August 07, 2022 04:56PM
It's a great idea.. AND there are great benefits... I admit that.. BUT... I don't use it much. I try but just can't get into the habit to check it often. I use Facebook to make contact with VERY old friends, and a couple groups, and that's about it.... I stopped adding any friend request a few years ago.... but what that leads to is this:

People pissed at me because I didn't reply.. or comment. My answer of, "Sorry, I didn't see it"... seldom works... they can't believe I'm not on it as much as they are. I'm NOT criticizing people who are on Facebook a lot.. I GET it... and understand that... but I'm not and some just find that hard to believe. SOOOO....

Every so often I find myself having to explain that I'm not ignoring people.. or worse being rude... I'm just off doing stuff that for bad reasons entertain me more... like watching Japanese prank youtubes. laughing smiley

  Facebook does nothing but get people pissed at me...

JamesJM212August 07, 2022 04:56PM

  Re: Facebook does nothing but get people pissed at me...

MamaRAMa165August 07, 2022 05:52PM

  Well, that's true... but...

JamesJM123August 07, 2022 06:16PM

  Re: Facebook does nothing but get people pissed at me...

canadaram103August 07, 2022 06:24PM

  They don't contact you?

JamesJM111August 07, 2022 06:54PM

  Re: They don't contact you?

canadaram124August 08, 2022 04:15AM

  They let you use a fake name?

sstrams89August 08, 2022 05:35AM

  Wow, never thought of that....

JamesJM89August 08, 2022 06:01AM

  Yeah, its pretty cool..

sstrams90August 08, 2022 07:44AM

  I've had several nicknames over the years, actually...

JamesJM135August 08, 2022 08:18AM

  Re: They let you use a fake name?

canadaram111August 08, 2022 06:20AM

  You got lucky, then..

sstrams158August 08, 2022 07:44AM