April 19, 2022 07:38AM
Vape Juice with Delta-8 and another with HHC.

My verdict: The Gummies - I cannot say they do 'nothing' and that because: Most people I know who have tried it have told me it DOES make them drowsy and helps them get to sleep.. or simply relax. I have to take their word for it... as for me... they don't do @#$#. Not a chance in hell I'm wasting another penny on them.

The Vape Juices - (I tried this because they are supposed to be far more effective and I was desperate for a restless leg syndrome cure). Same as the gummies... for some the vape juice can make you feel relaxed, a bit drowsy. As for a "high". if you read about Delta-8 and/or HHC you'll read that they "do", or "can", give you a high. Well...again I can't say they don't because too many people testify that they do... but as for me - they don't do @#$# Neither the drowsy/relaxed part nor the 'high' part.

I'm done experimenting. laughing smiley In summation:

Comparisons - a glass of wine before bed, or some other type of alcohol.. like a martini, or shot of scotch, IMHO is 1,000% MORE drowsy/relaxation inducing that any of the gummies or vapes no matter what's in them. But that's me... I can't speak for you other than to say I know several people who say they work for them.

As for me... doctor appointment coming up to see about getting a prescription for restless leg syndrome... wish me luck. But I'm done searching and experimenting with CBC/THC remedies... they do NOT work... at least not for me. - JamesJM

  My final gummy with CBD oil review... plus...

JamesJM171April 19, 2022 07:38AM

  Re: My final gummy with CBD oil review... plus...

waterfield90April 19, 2022 07:54AM

  I have to be cautious....

JamesJM87April 19, 2022 07:59AM