April 12, 2022 11:09AM
My Son, who is TRYING to get into the Navy, had a request for exam copies from his Primary. My Son first inquired about it 8 days ago. He is STILL waiting?? He called this morning and they said they are "working on it"? I JUST told him....Get on the phone now and light a match under their a$$. It is HIS information! It's not like it is someone else from out of town.

MYSELF....Last Wednesday, I was told by my Gastro Doc to schedule a CT for my abdomen after I had blood drawn. I went straight to the lab, had blood drawn and was told it would be the next 24-48 I'd hear from scheduling. Yesterday, I called and was told .. "Oh! Here's the order. It just has not been submitted. We'll get on that and call you. Today, about an hour ago, I called and they FINALLY scheduled me for my CT for this Thursday at 8 AM. CRAP!! I REALLY hope that if I ever have a KNOWN condition that has high probability of deterioration, the ball rolls faster!

I don't know. Maybe I'm too demanding after 35 and a half years of responding RIGHT FREAKING NOW when I was called upon, WITHOUT "submitting" schedules or call backs.

  WTF is wrong with INACTION with front desks at Drs Offices???

Ramgator110April 12, 2022 11:09AM