January 20, 2021 12:19PM
I'm not sure about the "tier system" you are referring. Maybe my son does. Ski race training will of course depend on the conditions. Right now lots of rocks are appearing. There are private "academies" located in ski areas that are actually high schools that provide after school training as opposed to Sacramento public schools which is where my grandson goes to school. They are very expensive and usually are for students and their parents that have high expectations for their kids moving upward in the ski world including the Olympics. Teddy does really well compared to the academy kids given he can only train on the weekends (if there is snow) and when it doesn't interfere with his high school soccer and all the AP (advanced placement) classes he's enrolled in. There are soccer academy schools as well. Probably the only way my grandson would continue to race after H.S. would be on either an academic or ski scholarship or both to an out of state college or university that has a racing program. But he's really an adult when it comes to this stuff. He said to me not long ago " I may be good but I'm not as good or even close to some of these kids in the academies that are going to end up in Olympic programs". So ski racing won't be the deciding factor for what college or University he attends. All of us in the family are more than fine with that. Ski racing is not the best life for a young man. Much like football the injuries can be devastating and you do become very narrow in whatever social skills you otherwise would learn by being around "normal" people.

Not sure this addresses anything you were asking. But there it is.

  Waterfield, I see by Ca's tier system for Covid that skiing...

JamesJM122January 20, 2021 11:26AM

  Re: Waterfield, I see by Ca's tier system for Covid that skiing...

waterfield106January 20, 2021 12:19PM

  Good info..

JamesJM48January 20, 2021 01:03PM