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Anyone use spectrum..

February 19, 2020 02:03PM
for internet? My email went out late last night.. its been down all day.. Was on the phone with a technician for over an hour who, eventually, just tried to reset my password.. their system would not let her reset my password.. she then says she needs an "expert" to figure it out because she's never seen this issue before.. She says give it 48 hours.. which means 3 days since its already been down an entire day..

So, what really happened? Monday afternoon I was doing email at work and tried to delete 10 emails.. it took about 30 minutes,which is pretty typical for spectrum, but I finally had had enough and sent them a message that their email service sucks and they need to improve on it big time..

2 days later my email goes completely dead from a reason NO technician has ever seen.. Who wants to bet somebody got my "your email sucks" note and said, "well, you ain't seen nothin gyet, buddy" and completely disabled my email..

Also, Sunday I called spectrum because they had been charging me to rent a wifi router when I had been using my own for years.. so, the guys says, "ok, I took the router charge off your bill"..
We hang up and immediately my spectrum modem goes dead.. after 3 hours on the phone with a technician, they tell me the guy didn't kill my router charge, he killed my internet and we were no longer getting internet.. then sends me to the sales department to order internet..

So, basically I've been on the phone with spectrum since Sunday afternoon and I STILL don't have email.. Anyone have any suggestions for internet? We also have cable with them, but I'm tired of screwing with these jerks.. I didn't want to lose my email address, but it snot worth it anymore.. these people are evil - and charging us almost $300 a month for this crap service...

Friendship is like peeing your pants.. Everybody can see it, but only you can feel the warmth..


  Anyone use spectrum..

sstrams267February 19, 2020 02:03PM

  What we have here....

JamesJM91February 20, 2020 06:38AM

  I see you have a fixed wireless system there...

JamesJM89February 20, 2020 06:54AM

  Ok thanks, Jimmy.. looking into it right now..

sstrams74February 20, 2020 07:03AM

  Yeah, as for email....

JamesJM81February 20, 2020 07:18AM

  Yeah, that's the trick..

sstrams67February 20, 2020 07:25AM

  Pretty easy these days... I think...

JamesJM68February 20, 2020 07:32AM

  I've always used Mail..

sstrams78February 20, 2020 07:37AM

  They still make and support Thunderbird?

JamesJM86February 20, 2020 07:42AM

  Cool.. I'll check into it.. nm

sstrams69February 20, 2020 07:59AM

  Yeah, its pathetic..

sstrams73February 20, 2020 06:57AM

  Hmmmm... yeah...

JamesJM90February 20, 2020 07:27AM

  I hear ya!

sstrams77February 20, 2020 07:36AM