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My daughter wakes in the morning and...

August 26, 2019 07:37AM
reaches for her phone before she's fully awake... has to talk to someone. Gets ready in the morning with her phone somehow clinched tightly between neck and ear and never stops talking as she gets in her car headed for school, taking her kids. On the way to school she's on a bluetooth telephone call, to someone, anyone, anyone wanting to 'talk' which means every friend she knows.

Non-stop, literally, conversation until she succumbs to sleep at night. And as I said, she's not alone... and it's NOT just women. I know many men who do the same... they deny it, but they lie.

Now part of me, a very very very very small part, kind of, sort of, envies that.. being that social. But it ain't EVER going to happen... I'd go insane.

I forget my phone about 80% of the time... which drives my family insane.. but I figure better them and me. The 'news' that so and so spilled a Latte in their car on the way to work can keep my daughter talking for hours... I zone out at the first sign of triviality, which means, 99% of the time; and after the first 4 words of a telephone conversation... unless it's about the Rams, of course.

Occasionally I will, due to sheer amazement, mention to my daughter that she's been talking for 8 straight hours.... but it only serves to remind her that she forgot to call someone.

Here's my typical telephone call - "Can you hear me, you're breaking up, I'll call later"... then I never do. I'm not a good person. - JamesJM

  My daughter wakes in the morning and...

JamesJM154August 26, 2019 07:37AM

  Re: My daughter wakes in the morning and...

waterfield85August 26, 2019 08:12AM