July 14, 2019 04:31PM
Last year our high school won one of the most exciting games in their history.... I filmed it, of course, and made a high-light film. My favorite part of the video - - -

On the crucial 2pt conversation attempt to win the game the kids behind a PVC fence in the end zone exploded. I know a LOT of the kids in our High School, and I've 'seen' nearly all of them. My daughter knows 99% of them. There is a group of girls in the end zone that join in the celebration... and nobody knows their names. (rip off of a The Right Stuff quote).

They are not cheerleaders, not athletes, not among the 'popular' kids. They aren't with the official 'pep' squad. BUT... they had the best seats, (standing location), in the house for the winning play.

I have asked teachers, administrators, parents... nobody knows their names. And they may just be the most jubilant fans in the stadium that night.

So many people, kids, travel life off the radar... BUT... their passion for life can be every bit as profound as anyone else's.

Very unlikely I will ever learn who these girls were... and it's too bad... I'd like to tell them how often I watch their end zone celebration and how, for that moment, they make me feel that 'all is right in the world'. - JamesJM

  I'm a softie, I admit it....

JamesJM187July 14, 2019 04:31PM