June 23, 2019 01:18PM
watched a current 'bad' sci-fi movie... made in 2004. Title is: "From Other Worlds". Well, I guess that isn't 'current', is it? Well I say, close enough.

We've lost it. Creating quality bad sci-fi is an art form we no longer possess. I will say this, however, Cara Buono, the star, is quite pretty. No, I had never heard of her either.

As you guys know, or should because I've mentioned it enough, I make a LOT of videos for people... mostly football, but some weddings, vacations, etc. Here's one thing I LOVED about "From Other Worlds"... not ONE of the CGI special effects was up to what I can create, and often do, with Final Cut Pro X. So, you know, lot of ego gratification.

We've all seen movies with plot holes... this one takes 'plot holes' to another level. And NOTE: Not comparing to 50's Sci-Fi whose 'plots', IMHO, were quite good, or at least fun. This movie evolves... or wait, I take that back.. it doesn't evolve in the least. It takes an 'idea' and then does absolutely NOTHING with it. No, I'm serious.. watch it.

Now I'm SURE the movie was intended to be 'campy'.... perhaps even satire... so I don't want to come off as naive. BUT... very poor attempt.

This is, as you've deduced, a follow up to my "Killer Klowns From Outer Space" review... and gives you an idea of how low my standards have fallen. Like to say I'm moving on... but ehhhhh, probably not, because despite my brilliant insight I'm having fun.

Do I recommend this movie? Yes, if you have insomnia. Actually... I would like to challenge you.... you cannot make it to the end of this movie. Not a chance in hell. I DID. Now you can try to watch, fall asleep, then reply that "you're glad" you couldn't make it to the end of the movie and I'm the weird one.... which is true... but the problem is I'm proud of that.. and nothing you can say can change that. - JamesJM

  50's Sci-fi today....

JamesJM210June 23, 2019 01:18PM

  Did you mean this for Bucky's Pub?

NewMexicoRam65June 23, 2019 05:56PM

  YES, sorry.

JamesJM63June 23, 2019 05:58PM